
东昆仑断裂带秀沟段晚第四纪滑动速率研究 被引量:3

Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Xiugou Segment,Eastern Kunlun Fault Zone
摘要 东昆仑断裂带是青藏高原北部一条大型左旋走滑断裂带,其滑动速率对于断裂地震危险性评价和青藏高原的地球动力学研究具有重要意义。已有的研究认为东昆仑断裂带中西段晚第四纪滑动速率稳定、均一(10~13 mm/a),但对中段精确的滑动速率研究较少。以东昆仑断裂带中段秀沟盆地一个被断错的洪积扇为研究对象,基于高分辨率卫星影像和SPOT7立体像对提取的高精度数字高程模型(DEM)恢复位错量,利用宇宙成因核素测年厘定了断错洪积扇的年龄。结果表明,该洪积扇被左旋断错(1 862±103)m,年龄为(76.55±3.20)^(106.37±3.38)ka,据此得到的平均左旋滑动速率为(20.3+3.5/-2.3)mm/a。东昆仑断裂带中段的左旋滑动速率从晚更新世到全新世存在明显的减慢趋势。 The Eastern Kunlun fault zone (EKLF) is a large left-lateral strike-slip fault, whose slip rate is meaningful to seismic hazard assessment and geodynamies of the Tibetan Plateau. Previous studies suggested that the late Quaternary average slip rate was stable and uniform ( 10- 13 mm/a) in the central and western segment of the EKLF. But there were a few researches of accurate slip rate in the central segment on the EKLF. Therefore, we focused on an offset and well preserved alluvial fan from Xiugou basin, located in the east of Xidatan-Dongdatan, to make it clear. Moreover, we used high-resolution satellite images and digital elevation model extracted from SPOT7 stereo image pairs to restore the offset alluvial fan, and combined terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides method, including 13 quartz-rich samples from this fan surface, 1 quartz-rich sample from the main active channel bed and 1 10Be depth profile from this fan edge to eliminate the 10Be concentration of inheritance accurately, with 1 optically stimu- lated luminescence sample to obtain the reliable age of this alluvial fan together. Referring to field observations, this alluvial fan was offset left-laterally by (1 862±103) m, and its age is (76.55±3.20) -(106.37±3.38) ka which can be determined through the actual geologic setting and improving chi-square test. Thus, we used the Monte Carlo method to obtain a left-lateral slip rate of (20.3 ± 3.5/-2.3 ) mm/a with 68% confidence envelopes since the late Pleistocene in the Xiugou basin. As a result, combining with the results of previous studies, the left-lateral slip rate indicated that the obviously decreasing activity transferred from late Pleistocene to Holocene on the central segment of the EKLF.
作者 黄飞删 任俊杰 吕延武 赵俊香 Huang Feipeng;Ren Junjie;Lti Yanwu;Zhao Junxiang(Key Laboratory of Crustal Dynamics, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100085, China)
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期321-332,共12页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 中国地震局地壳应力研究所中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项项目“青藏高原东南缘扩展与隆升”(编号:ZDJ2017-24) 国家自然科学基金项目“基于阶地暴露年龄的青藏高原东南缘第四纪构造隆升历史重建”(编号:41472139)资助.
关键词 东昆仑断裂带 秀沟盆地 滑动速率 断错洪积扇 宇宙成因核素测年 Eastern Kunlun fault zone Xiugou Basin Slip rate Offset alluvial fan Cosmogenic nuclides dating.
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