目的:比较每日注射1次甘精胰岛素与甘精胰岛素联合阿卡波糖治疗2型糖尿病的疗效及安全性。方法:收集东莞市中堂医院2014年6月至2017年5月内分泌科门诊中筛查的初诊2型糖尿病60例,按照临床治疗方法分为观察组(甘精胰岛素联合阿卡波糖)和对照组(甘精胰岛素),观察两组患者治疗后空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2 h血糖(2h PBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)情况及低血糖发生风险。结果:治疗12周后两组患者FBG、2h PBG及HbA1c较治疗前下降,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组FBG、2h FPG较对照组下降,且不增加低血糖风险。结论:甘精胰岛素联合阿卡波糖血糖控制更好,且不增加低血糖风险。
Objective To compare the treatment of efficacy and safety of insulin glargine and glargine combined acarbose of type 2 diabetes. Methods Collected in our hospital from June 2014 to May 2017 with the first diagnosis of type 2 diabetes,observe two groups after treatment in patients with fasting blood glucose(FBG), postprandial 2 hours blood glucose(2 h PBG), glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1c) and risk of hypoglycaemia hypoglycaemia. Results FBG, 2 h PBG and HbA1c were decreased in the two groups after 12 weeks of treatment(P 〈0.05), and FBG and 2 h FPG in the combined treatment group were lower than those in the control group and did not increase the risk of hypoglycemia Conclusion Insulin glargine combined with acarbose has better glycemic control and does not increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
ZHANG Zhen-hui;CHENYu-hao;LI Rui-yi(Zhongtang Hospital of Dongguan city, Guangdong Dongguan 52322)
Shenzhen Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine