针对国有出资地质勘查项目成果向市场转化需要,以Visual Studio为开发工具,应用C#语言,建立黑龙江省探矿权市场化配置动态数据库,对以往国有出资的矿产勘查项目和社会出资探矿权进行整理和动态维护,进而为筛选符合政策规定的可供市场化出让的勘查区块提供基础数据,从而充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,推进矿产资源市场化配置工作,把矿业权市场化配置作为常态化管理。
In order to solve the needs of the state-owned geological prospecting project to the market,Visual Studio and C# are used as the development tool and language to establish the dynamic database for the marketization of prospecting rights in Heilongjiang province. Through the organizing and dynamic maintenance of both the past state-owned mineral exploration projects and social exploration rights,it will provide the basic data for screening the exploration blocks which are accords with the policy and can be marketed,so as to give full play to the decisive role of the market in the resource configuration,promote the market allocation of mineral resources,and take the marketing allocation of mining right as the normalization management.
LI Wei;CAO He(Heilongjiang Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Geology ,Harbin Heilongjiang 150030, China)
Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources