
完善手术接台管理对手术室效率及满意度的影响 被引量:5

Study on Effect of Improving Operation Interval Management on the Efficiency and Satisfaction of Operating Room
摘要 目的探讨完善手术接台管理对手术室效率及满意度的影响。方法选取我院2014年3月至2015年2月102例手术患者作为对照组,涉及手术室工作的手术医师56名、护士41名;选取2015年10月至2016年2月114例手术患者作为改进组,涉及手术室工作的手术医师58名、护士36名。对照组按照常规接台管理,改进组按照完善后的接台管理程序执行。结果改进组的连台手术间隔时间、每日手术台次、第一台手术等待时间均较对照组短(p<0.05)。改进组的手术医师、护士、患者满意率分别为98.28%、97.22%、98.25%,对照组分别为89.29%、80.49%、87.25%,改进组均高于对照组(p<0.05)。结论完善手术接台管理,可提高手术室效率,提高手术满意率。 Objective To explore the effect of improving the management of operation interval on the efficiency and satisfaction of the operating room. Methods A total of 102 patients were selected as the control group who admitted our hospital from March 2014 to February 2015. There were 56 surgery doctors and 41 nurses involved in the operating room for the control group. A total of 114 patients were enrolled in the improvement group, and there were 58 surgery doctors and 36 nurses involved in the operating room for this group. Patients in the control group received conventional management of operation interval; while patients in the improvement group received improved management. Results The time interval, numbers of operation per day, and waiting time before the first operation in the improvement group were improved compared with the control group(p〈0.05). Satisfaction rates of doctors, nurses and patients were 98.29%, 97.22% and 98.25% in the improvement group respectively. However, Satisfaction rates of doctors, nurses and patients were 89.29%, 80.49% and 87.25% in the control group, respectively. We observed higher satisfaction rate in the improvement group compared with the control group(p〈0.05). Conclusion Perfecting the management of operation interval can improve the efficiency and satisfaction of operation room.
作者 陆丽 LU Li(Huzhou City Maternal and ChildHealth Hospita)
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2018年第4期36-38,共3页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 手术接台管理 手术室 效率 满意度 Management of operation interval Operating room Efficiency Satisfaction
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