The essence of compulsory medical treatment is the punishment of personal freedom.In order to prevent the arbitrary application of compulsory medical treatment,the proof issue in compulsory medical procedures should be clarified.There are differences between the application and dissolution of compulsory medical care on the object of proof.In deciding cases of compulsory medical treatment,the object of proof is the applicable condition of compulsory medical treatment.In the case of relieving compulsory medical treatment,we only need to prove the personal danger of the perpetrator.In compulsory medical procedures,the responsibility of proof for the application of compulsory medical measure is borne by the procuratorial organ.The release of compulsory medical treatment should be firstly proved by the main body that started the releasing procedure,and then the procuratorial organ shall bear the responsibility of proof of continuing the compulsory medical treatment.In the case of compulsory medical treatment,the standard of proof of compulsory medical procedure is different according to the difference of the proof object: the specific violence fact and the criminal responsibility of the perpetrator should be applied to the proof standard of "excluding reasonable doubt"; the perpetrator suffering from mental illness should be applied to the standard of "superiority evidence"; and the proof of personal danger should reach the standard of"clear and persuasive".In the case of relieving compulsory medical treatment,it is only necessary to meet the standard of "superiority evidence"for the preliminary proof that meets the conditions of dissolution; the proof that the procuratorial organ still has the personal danger to the perpetrator under compulsory medical treatment should reach the proof standard of "clear and convincing".
Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
compulsory medical procedure
object of proof
responsibility of proof
standard of proof