
瑞典84毫米口径古斯塔夫无后坐炮弹药技术综述 被引量:8

Review of the Characteristics of Ammunition of Gustav 84 mm Calibre Recoilless of Sweden
摘要 详细介绍了瑞典84 mm口径古斯塔夫无后坐炮弹药的结构、原理和性能特点,并以破甲弹和榴弹为例,深入对比分析了古斯塔夫无后坐炮弹药和国内已有82 mm无后坐炮弹药的特点。古斯塔夫无后坐炮弹药可用于M2式、M3式和M4式三代无后坐炮;弹药类型不同,所配引信位置、原理、结构和性能也不同;弹药系统只有551C型火箭增程破甲弹装填不敏感炸药和常规炸药);弹重基本都在3 kg以下;遵循炮口动量守恒原则;弹药中551型火箭增程破甲弹、655CS型破甲弹、502型双用途弹和751型火箭增程破甲弹主要对付目标分别是中等厚度装甲目标、厚装甲目标、轻型装甲目标和带反应装甲的坦克;尽管与典型的反坦克导弹相比性能上有差异,但是其具有更好的便携性和高性价比。 In order to provide a reference for the development of a new type of high-performance recoilless weapon system,the structure,principle and performance characteristics of the 84 mm caliber Gustav ammunition are introduced in detail. In depth analysis and comparison of characteristics of Gustav recoilless ammunition and the domestic 82 mm recoilless ammunition,taking HEAT(High-Explosive AntiTank) and Grenade as an example. Gustav recoilless ammunition can be used in M2,M3 and M4 Gustav recoilless ammunition can be used in M2,M3 and M4 recoilless guns,and domestic 82 mm recoilless ammunition can not be used in its series of gun models. Gustav 's types of ammunition are different,position,principle,structure and performance of the are different. Gustav recoilless ammunition system currently only 551 C HEAT with rocket filled with insensitive explosives, also can be filled with conventional explosives. Gustav recoilless projectiles are basically under 3 kg,While the domestic 82 mmrecoilless projectlies are basically more than 3. 5 kg. Gustav recoilless guns and the domestic 82 mm recoilless guns follow principle of momentum conservation of muzzle. Gustav recoilless ammunition HEAT551,HEAT 655 CS,HEDP 502(High Explosive Dual Purpose) and HEAT 751 are mainly targeted for moderate thickness armor target,thick armor Target,light armor target and tank with reaction armor.Contrast Gustav recoilless ammunition and domestic 82 mm recoilless ammunition, Gustav recoilless ammunition has some advantages in performance,portability,and versatility. Despite the performance differences compared Gustav recoilless ammunition with typical anti-tank missiles,it has better portability and cost performance.
作者 李春雷 王雨时 张志彪 朱乐乐 肖剑 LI Chunlei;WANG Yushi;ZHANG Zhibiao;ZHU Lele;XIAO Jian(School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期72-80,共9页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 无后坐炮 古斯塔夫 弹药 特点分析 recoilless guns Gustav anmmnition analysis of the characteristics
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