
推扫式高光谱影像的相对辐射定标研究 被引量:1

Relative radiation calibration of push-broom hyperspectral image
摘要 为了找到更适合于推扫式高光谱影像的相对辐射定标方法,本文从成像光谱仪CCD探元响应不均匀问题入手,在实验室和外场两种情况下,分别通过使用均匀场景法和基于灰阶靶标的相对辐射定标方法对可见—近红外高光谱相机进行相对辐射定标以及进行相对辐射校正,计算并完成了相对辐射定标的精度分析与评价。结果表明:(1)相对辐射定标可以有效地去除条带噪声;(2)由精度评价结果可知,相比较于基于灰阶靶标方法的外场相对辐射定标,使用均匀场景法进行实验室内的相对辐射校正效果更好,可为航空高光谱航飞试验提供参考。 In order to find a more suitable method of relative radiometric calibration for the push-broom hyperspectral images,on basis of the problem of non-uniformity of CCD( Charge-coupled Device) detection in the imaging spectrometer,under both laboratory and field conditions,the relative-radiation calibration of visible-near-infrared hyperspectral camera was performed by using the uniform scene method and the relative radiation calibration method based on the gray-scale target respectively,and relative radiometric correction was made. The accuracy analysis and evaluation of relative radiation calibration were calculated. The results show that the relative radiation calibration can effectively remove the strip noise. The results can be obtained from the accuracy evaluation,because the relative radiation calibration effect in the laboratory is better than the relative field radiation calibration based on the gray-scale target method. It can provide useful information for the hyperspectral flight test.
作者 杨振杰 赵康年 YANG Zhenjie , ZHAO Kangnian(Department of Geological Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016,Chin)
出处 《青海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第2期20-25,共6页 Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)
关键词 遥感 成像光谱仪 高光谱 相对辐射定标 条带噪声 remote sensing imaging spectrometer hyperspectral relative radiometric calibration strip noise
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