
2006—2015年北京市义务教育区县均衡进展研究 被引量:6

A Study of the Progress of Balancing Development of Compulsory Education among Counties and Districts of Beijing from 2006 to 2015
摘要 2006—2015年北京市义务教育区县间校际均衡和城乡均衡取得了显著进展。北京市区县间义务教育投入均衡进展显著,质量均衡有喜有忧。远郊区县小学生均支出已高于城区,初中生均支出已接近城区,区县间义务教育经费投入差异明显缩小,均衡水平显著提高;义务教育师资出现了远郊区县比近郊区充裕,近郊区比城区充裕的较为合理状态,但初中师资存在严重过剩的现象;小学教育质量差异显著缩小,均衡水平持续提高;初中教育质量差异没有缩小,均衡水平没有提高,投入差异的缩小没有带来质量差异的缩小,实现均衡任重道远。将质量均衡作为义务教育均衡发展最重要的评价指标,加大市级政府对教育经费和教师配置的统筹力度,放宽非户籍流动儿童就学限制,以促进北京市区县间义务教育均衡发展。 Using indicators of per student expenditure,teacher-student ratio,gross enrollment rate and senior high school entrance examination scores,this study examined the progress balancing development of Inter-school equilibrium and rural-urban equilibrium in compulsory education among counties and districts of Beijing from 2006 to 2015.The analyses revealed that there was a significant input in balancing development of compulsory education among counties and districts,but the quality of balancing development was not always good.Per student expenditure of primary school of outer suburb districts was higher than urban districts,and per student expenditure of middle school of outer suburb districts was close to urban districts.The expenditure gap of compulsory schools between districts and counties was significantly narrowed,and the balance level was significantly improved.The student-teacher ratio of compulsory schools of outer suburb districts was lower than suburb districts,and suburb districts was lower than urban districts,but the staff of middle schools were surplus in all districts.The gap of primary school student achievement was significantly narrowed,with balance level increasing continuously.But the gap of middle school student achievement was not narrowed,with no increase in balance level,which means the narrowed gap in input did not lead to the narrowed gap in quality and there is a long way to go to achieve balance.Based on our findings,In order to promote the balance of compulsory education among districts and counties in Beijing,we suggest that the city government should put student achievement/quality as the most important education balance indicator,improve their management in education and teacher allocation,and lower the public school's restriction on migrant students' enrollment.
作者 袁连生 何婷婷 YUAN Lian-sheng;HE Ting-ting(School of Economics and Business Administration/Capital Institute {or Economics o{ Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期120-128,共9页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 2015年度北京市社会科学基金研究基地特别委托项目"北京市市与区县基础教育事权与支出责任划分研究"(项目编号:15JDJGDO87)的研究成果
关键词 北京市 义务教育 区县均衡 投入均衡 质量均衡 Beijing compulsory education balance among counties and districts input balance achievement quality balance
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