
图书馆纸质图书PDA采访模式绩效评估研究——以广东省立中山图书馆为例 被引量:5

Research on the Performance Evaluation of Paper Books PDA Acquisition Model in the Library:Taking Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province as an Example
摘要 通过多角度的统计数据,分析了PDA模式实践过程中读者的选书倾向、图书利用率、成本效益、社会效益和读者满意度等,并进一步分析了其与传统采访模式的差异和对馆藏结构的影响。PDA采访模式的绩效评估,对检验PDA实施效果、优化采购策略提供了重要决策参考,使图书馆有限资金的使用效果最大化。 Through the multiple statistical data,this paper analyzes the readers’ tendency to choose books,book utilization ratio,cost benefit,social benefit and reader satisfaction in the practice process of PDA model,further analyzes its differences with traditional acquisition mode and its influences on library collection structure.The performance evaluation of PDA model provides important decision reference in testing the implementation effect of PDA,optimizing purchasing strategy for maximizing the use of limited funds in the library.
作者 占磊 ZHAN Lei(Sun Yat - sen Library of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510110, China)
出处 《图书馆研究》 2018年第2期43-50,共8页 Library Research
基金 广东省图书馆学会2016年A类课题"服务视角下的文献资源建设及其发展"(课题编号:GDTK1601)研究成果之一
关键词 PDA 绩效评估 微信 图书馆文献采访 PDA performance evaluation WeChat literature acquisition of the library
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