
高职涉农在校生就业观的动态研究——以贵州农业职业学院畜牧兽医专业为例 被引量:1

A dynamic study on the view of employment of agriculture-related students in higher vocational colleges——a case study of animal husbandry and veterinary specialty in Guizhou Agricultural Vocational College
摘要 本课题主要以贵州农业职业学院畜牧兽医专业学生为调查对象,以问卷形式分别对大一、大二、大三学生进行了随机抽样调查。通过对不同年级学生的就业动态观进行摸底,以此对不同年级高职学生的就业思想动态作相应应对策略,及时调整高职教育教学改革和课程的设置,有效保证涉农大学生更好的就业。 According to the characteristics of agricultural development in Guizhou Province and the demand of agricultural talents,this study mainly focused on animal husbandry and veterinary students of Guizhou Agricultural Vocational College as the survey subjects. They conducted random sample surveys of freshmen,sophomores and juniors in a questionnaire form. Through the analysis of the employment dynamics of students of different grades, the corresponding strategies for different levels of vocational students ' employment ideology are dynamically adjusted to adjust the teaching reforms and curriculum settings of higher vocational education in a timely manner so as to effectively guarantee the employment of agro-related college students.
作者 李兴美 何勇 李兴芳 张富林 昝妮妮 朱敏慧 LI Xing-mei;HEYong;LI Xing- fang;ZHANGFu- lin;ZANNi- ni;ZHUMin- hui(Guizhou Vocational College of Agriculture,Guiyang 551400,China;Guizhou Normal College, Guiyang 550018,China;Zunyi Chinese Medicine Hospital, Zunyi 563000,China)
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2018年第8期10-13,共4页 Heilongjiang Science
基金 贵州省教育科学规划项目(2017B190)
关键词 在校生 就业观 动态研究 畜牧兽医专业 On-campus students Employment concept Dynamic research Animal husbandry and veterinary specialty
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