

Breeding of new carambola cultivar 'Daguotianyangtao 6'
摘要 ‘大果甜杨桃6号’是由‘大果甜杨桃1号’实生繁育群体中选育出的新品种。植株生长势较强,枝条开张,小枝多而密,柔软下垂,叶为奇数羽状复叶,互生或对生,小叶数目多为9~11片;小叶长椭圆形,叶尖急尖,叶身不对称,叶色绿;果实长卵形,平均单果质量202 g,最大单果质量490 g;果皮薄而光滑,具蜡质,果尖钝,未成熟果实青绿色,成熟果实黄色;果肉浅黄色至黄色,果肉质细爽脆,味甜酸,口感好。可溶性固形物含量(ω,后同)8.0%~11.5%,可溶性糖含量7.68%,总酸含量0.225%。花为总状花序,果实生育期70~110 d。在桂南地区1 a(年)有3~4次花期和果期,5月中下旬至6月上旬开花,7月中下旬至8月中旬果实成熟;6月中下旬至7月中下旬开花,8月下旬至9月中下旬成熟;9月下旬至11月中旬开花,约到翌年1月上旬至2月下旬成熟;较抗赤斑病;25℃条件下可贮藏16 d。适合桂南地区栽培,定植第1年即可开花结果,易早期丰产。该品种适宜栽植在避风向阳、有灌溉条件的山麓地带或丘陵平地。2016年8月通过广西壮族自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定。 'Daguotianyangtao 6'was selected and bred from the seedlings of carambola cultivar'Daguotianyangtao 1'. The plant has vigorous growth ability with plenty of branchlets which having the features of divaricate, soft and pendulous. The leaf of the plant is of impar pinnately compound leaf which grows alternately or oppositely with 9-11 small leaves. The single small leaf grows to be long ellipsoid in shape and green in color, and with the characteristic of asymmetric leaf body and acute leaf apex. The shape of fruit is long ovate with blunt top and the fruit weighs up to 490 grams in maximum and 202 grams in average. The peel of fruit which covering with vex is thin and smooth. The immature fruit is green, and turns into yellow when becoming ripe. The yellow or pale yellow flesh is crisp, tasting sweet and sour. The content of soluble solid, total soluble sugar and total acid take up the weight percentage of 8%-11.5%, 7.68% and 0.225%, respectively. The plant bloom raceme flower and the fruit have a growth period of 70-110 days. There are 3-4 flowering and fruit bearing stages each year in south Guangxi area, the detail of each stage is as follow: flowering from the middle of May to early of June, turn into ripe from late July to middle of August. Flowering from the middle of June or July, turn into ripe from late August to middle of September; flowering from late September to middle of November, turn into ripe from early of January to late February in the next year. The cultivar is resistant to red spot disease in some degree. The fruit can be stored for 16 days in the temperature of 25 ℃. The culti-var is suitable for cultivation in south Guangxi, and the plant can be flowering and begin to bear fruits in the first year after planted, and it is easy to get high-yielding production in early stage of planting.The cultivar is suitable to be planted in mountain or plain area where there is less win but plenty of sunshine and be propitious to irrigation. In August 2016,'Daguotianyangtao 6'has passed the examination and approved by crop variety approval committee of Guangxi.
作者 任惠 方位宽 王小媚 黄章保 董龙 刘业强 苏伟强 黄辉晔 REN Hui;FANG Weikuan;WANG Xiaomei;HUANG Zhangbao;DONG Long;LIU Yeqiang;SU Weiqiang;HUANG Huiye(Horticulture Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, GuangxL China;Nanning Investigation & Experiment Station of the Subtropical Fruits, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China;Plant Protection Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期516-519,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB16380134) 广西农科院团队项目(2015YT47) 南宁市科技攻关计划项目(20142074)
关键词 杨桃 新品种 '大果甜杨桃6号’ Carambola New cultivar ' Daguotianyangtao 6'
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