
对标高水平开放规则 构建中国全面开放新体系 被引量:3

Using High Level Open Rules as Reference Criterion and Building a New Full Open System in China
摘要 进入新时代,中国更加主动、更加深化、更高水平的新一轮对外开放战略逐步形成,正在构建全面开放新体系,包括要素与产品自由流动、产业及公共领域开放广度与深度、经济主体的公平待遇、全面开放格局及其起保障作用的开放体制、机制及法制。面对多哈回合谈判、中美双边投资协议(BIT)和跨太平洋伙伴协定(TPP)等高水平规则的挑战,中国可以从五个方面着手构建开放型经济新体系:一是全面实施市场准入负面清单制度,加快市场经济体制建设;二是对标高标准规则,完善各方面开放规则和宽领域开放体系;三是加快自由贸易园区(FTZ)建设,完善内部全域开放格局;四是加快自由贸易区战略的实施,完善外部全方位开放格局;五是稳步推进"一带一路"建设,完善陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局。 Entering a new era, China’s more actives, deeper and higher level of opening up strategy has gradually formed. A new system of comprehensive opening is being built, including the free flow of factor and products, open breadth and depth of industry and public domain, fair treatment of the economic subject, overall open pattern, and an open system mechanism and legal system for the role of security. The existing open economy has been described according to this theoretical framework, and using high level open rules system as reference criterion. There are many challenges in China’s open economy construction: Doha round negotiations, Sino-US Bilateral Investment Agreement(BIT), Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP) and its high level open rules. There are five ways to build an open economic system: First, fully implement the negative list system of market access and speed up the construction of market economy system; Second, using High Level Open Rules as Reference Criterion,Improving all aspects of open rules and wide open system; Third, speeding up the construction of free trade zone(FTZ) with unilateral opening to the outside world, and improving the internal whole domain open pattern; Fourth, speeding up the implementation of the free trade area(FTA) strategy, and improving the external and omni-directional open pattern; Fifth,steadily push forward "The Belt and Road" construction, to improve the internal and external linkage, two-way mutual and open pattern.
作者 陈万灵 蔡春林 CHEN Wanling;CAI Chunlin(International Trade and Economics Research Center, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China;Research Center for BRICS, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510420, China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2018年第3期88-94,共7页 Journal of Yunmeng
基金 国家社会科学基金重大课题"打造陆海内外联动 东西双向开放的全面开放新格局研究"(15ZDC017)
关键词 开放型经济 国际规则 开放新体系 开放新格局 开放新体制 open economy international rules new open style new open pattern new open system
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