
混合式教学模式下大学英语听说教学的实证研究 被引量:7

A Empirical Study of Blended Teaching Mode in College English Listening and Speaking Teaching
摘要 以提高英语听说能力为突破口,进一步加强非英语专业本科生的英语综合应用能力培养是顺应我国社会经济发展形势,满足高校人才培养需求的必备条件。本研究通过对混合式教学模式结合大学英语听说课程教学设计进行实证观摩,旨在为大学英语听说教学提供新的思路与方法,以此推动大学英语学习朝着交互式、个性化、自主化的方向转变,达到全面提高大学英语教学质量的目的。 To improve English listening and speaking ability asthe breakthrough point, and further strengthen the non-Englishmajor students' English comprehensive application ability train-ing is not only essential for the economic development and socialconstruction in China. But also the important condition to meetthe demand of talents cultivation in colleges and universities.This study based on the Blended Teaching model combined withthe college English listening and speaking course design's empir-ical view, aiming at providinga new method for college Englishlistening and speaking teaching, to further promote college Eng-lish learning shift in the direction of the interaction, personaliza-tion, independency, and achieve the goal of improving collegeEnglish teaching quality.
作者 席洋 马亚伟 Xi Yang;Ma Yawei
出处 《科教文汇》 2018年第13期167-168,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2017-2018年甘肃省高等院校外语教学研究专项课题(GSSKB17-02) 2016年度全国高校外语教学科研项目阶段性成果(2016GS0028B) 2016年甘肃省社科项目:信息化时代的甘肃高校外语翻转课堂模式实证性研究阶段性成果(YB094)
关键词 混合式教学模式 大学英语听说教学 实证研究 Blended Teaching Mode college English listeningand speaking ability empirical study1 引言
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