[目的] 描述我国健康产业园区基本现状,总结园区发展模式,为园区未来发展提供理论基础. [方法]利用百度搜索、CNKI和万方数据库全面搜索国内健康产业园区的相关信息和文献资料,基于文献内容 分析法和案例分析法对园区信息进行归纳与分析.[结果]共检索到健康产业园区3 5 个,涉及 1 8个省市,最 早的园区于1994年创办,园区平均面积为16.82 km2,平均投资金额为140.9亿元.从管理运营、投融资、产 业类型、研发方面归纳了园区的不同发展模式,发现园区建设中的问题并提出未来发展趋势.[结 论 ]我国健 康产业园区正在蓬勃发展,但是仍然存在重复建设缺乏特色,监管机制尚不完善等问题,还需政府进-步完善 审批、优惠等政策,引导园区健康发展.
Objective It describes the status quo of China’s health industrial parks,summarizes the development modes of parlss, so as to pro-vide theoretical basis for future development of parlss. Methods This article used Baidu,CNKI and Wanfang database to search for domestichealth industrial parks related information and literature. And it used literature reviewmethod and case analysis method tolyze parks’ information. Results Atotal of 35 health industrial parks were retrieved,involved 17 provinces and. The earliest park was foundedin 1994. Our country’ parks average area was 16. 72 square kilometers,average investments were amount of 140. 9 billion yuan. Through the a-nalysis of the characteristics of parks,I summarized different modes of parks in the development from the aspects such as management opera- tion, investment and financing, industry type and research. It found the problems in the constriction of paries and put forward future develop-ment trend. Conclusions China’s health industrial parks are booming,but there are still some problems, such as dimperfection of supervision mechanisms and so on. It is necessary for government to furtlier improve thethe healthy development of parks.
ZUOXu;YERui;MENGKai(Health Management and Education School of Capital Medical University, Beijiiig 100069, China)
Soft Science of Health