

Stable match for supplier and demander of service considering cost-effectiveness
摘要 考虑服务资源的有限性和用户与服务供应商的双向偏好,提出一种云服务资源匹配方法,解决供需双方双向选择下的合作问题。依据供需双方偏好建立服务资源分配框架,利用聚类方法快速筛选用户需求及候选服务,结合Gale-Shapley算法提出两种需求服务匹配策略,考虑到用户满意度和服务提供商的成本效益,得到稳定的服务资源匹配方案,达到全局最优。通过实验验证了该算法的有效性。 Considering the limitation of service resources and the preference of both users and service providers,a method of resource allocation was proposed to solve the cooperation problem of two-way choice between supplier and demander.A service resource allocation framework was created based on the preference of supply and demand sides.Clustering was used to screen user’s requirements and candidate services quickly,two requirements service matching strategies were provided based on GaleShapley algorithm.The demander’s satisfactory on Web services and supplier’s cost-effectiveness of Web services were considered,a stable service resource matching scheme was obtained to achieve global optimum.The effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated in a simulation environment.
作者 徐俊 周行羽 陆佳炜 张元鸣 肖刚 XU Jun;ZHOU Hang-yu;LU Jia-wei;ZHANG Yuan-ming;XIAO Gang(College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China)
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2018年第5期1365-1371,共7页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 浙江省重大科技专项基金项目(2014C01048) 浙江省公益性技术基金项目(2017C31014)
关键词 稳定匹配 多用户 服务质量 WEB服务 聚类算法 stable matching multi-user quality of service Web service clustering algorithm
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