

Application of Near-infrared Fluorescent Imaging in Thoracic Surgery
摘要 胸部外科临床工作中,肺结节、肺段及亚肺段的准确解剖定位、前哨淋巴结定位、吻合口瘘等问题始终困扰着医生。应用造影剂吲哚菁绿的实时荧光造影技术是一种安全的显影技术,已被运用到多个临床领域,可用来判断组织血流灌注、淋巴回流情况,但并未被胸外科医生完全认识。本文就胸外科医生在临床中遇到的常见问题,回顾了近年来此技术在动物模型和临床试验中的研究成果,介绍了吲哚菁绿实时荧光技术来判断血运、淋巴结示踪、胸导管显影、肺段界限判断等的优势和可靠性,展示出此技术在胸外科广泛应用的良好前景。 Several surgical manipulations, such as pulmonary nodules location, intraoperatively mapping on pulmonary segmental-and subsegmental bronchi and sentinel lymph node mapping, are intractable problems in clinical practice. The application of near-infrared fluorescent imaging of indocyanine green to evaluate the situations of blood perfusion and lymphatic drainage in human tissues has been proved to be a safe fluorescence angiography technique and widely used in clinical practice. However, the application of this technique in thoracic surgery is relatively few. Here, we reviewed the reports using near-infrared fluorescent imaging of indocyanine green to evaluate blood perfusion, lymph node mapping, thoracic mapping, etc. in animal model and clinical trials, showing its promising prospects in thoracic surgery.
作者 何明 赵继东 徐新建 李勇 陈新 HE Ming;ZHAO Jidong;XU Xinjian;LI Yong;CHEN Xin(5th Department of Thoracic Surgery, 4th Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050010, China)
出处 《肿瘤防治研究》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期263-265,共3页 Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
关键词 吲哚菁绿 肺小结节 前哨淋巴结 吻合口 近红外线荧光成像 Indocyanine green Pulmonary nodules Sentinel lymph node Anastomosis Near-infrared fluorescent imaging
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