
基于超润湿材料的乳液油水分离研究进展 被引量:5

Progress of Oil-Water Emulsion Separation Based on Superwetting Materials
摘要 在表面活性剂的作用下,油水混合物易转变为乳液,从而形成稳定的油水混合系统,给分离带来了困难。结合固体表面微观几何结构和化学组成,制备的超润湿材料为乳液油水分离提供了一个良好的平台。文中首先介绍了超润湿性的基本理论,然后综述了基于超润湿材料的乳液分离研究进展,包括分离油包水乳液的超疏水超亲油材料、处理水包油乳液的超亲水及水下超疏油材料和同时分离两种类型乳液的智能超润湿材料。最后,对该领域存在的一些问题以及未来的发展方向分别进行了总结和展望。 Under the action of surfactant, oil-water mixture is easily converted into emulsion, thus the emulsion forms a stable oil-water mixing system, which brings difficulties to separation. Combined with the surface roughness and surface chemical properties, the prepared superwetting materials provide a good platform for the separation of oil and water. This paper first introduced the basic theory of special wettability, and then summarized the research progress of emulsion separation based on superwetting materials. The utility model comprises superhydrophobie and superoleophilic materials for separating water-in-oil emulsion, the superhydrophilic/underwater superoleophobic materials for dealing with oil-in-water emulsion and intelligent superwetting materials for separating both water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsion. Finally, some problems and future directions in the fidd were summarized and prospected.
作者 杨继斌 王会才 孙强 刘霞平 Jibin Yang;Huieai Wang;Qiang Sun;Xiaping Liu(School of Environmental and Chemistry Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University)
出处 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期165-171,共7页 Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
关键词 超润湿材料 油包水乳液 水包油乳液 油水分离 superwetting materials water-in-oil emulsion oil-in-water emulsion oil/water separation
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