A large number of studies suggest that excessive government intervention in economic activities is the important reason of excess capacity. Whether the degree of marketization is condu- cive to the improvement of capacity utilization, the objective facts are questioned. In this paper, we combine the two aspects of production side and consumption side, calculate the capacity utilization rate of industrial sectors of 30 provincial-level regions in china from 2001 to 2014, and investigate the direct and indirect effects of the marketization process on capacity utilization. We found that., in the sample interval, the degree of overeapacity in China's industrial sector is becoming more and more serious, and the fluctuation of overall capacity utilization is mainly caused by the change of production size~ There is a large difference in the capacity utilization rate of different provinces and cities, the capacity utilization rate of the eastern region is higher than that of the central and West ern regions ; The marketization process is not conducive to improving the capacity utilization rate, e- ven has negative influence on the improvement of the rate of capacity utilization. This is due to the reduction in government's ability to dominate the market increased wave phenomenon of invest- ment, and further reduce the level of Chings capacity utilization. Therefore, in the process of Chi- nese gradually deepening marketization, in order to curb the increasingly serious overcapacity, the government should fully play its important assistant action, and publish industrial guidance infor- mation in a time to prevent the influx of excessive investment.
YANG Zhen-bing(School of Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, China)
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Marketization process, capacity utilization, excess capacity, mediating effect