噪声是煤矿井下主要危害,对人体视觉系统的影响不容忽视。为了提高暴露在噪声环境中工人的视觉认知能力,进而减少人因事故的发生,针对视觉认知随噪声暴露时间的变化进行研究,利用Eye Link II眼动仪采集被试者的平均注视时间、平均眼跳幅度和眼跳次数3个眼动指标来衡量视觉认知能力随着综采工作面噪声暴露时间的变化。结果表明:1)噪声能够使视觉注意力下降,对视觉认知效率的影响不显著,对视觉辨识能力的影响较复杂;2)噪声在0-10 min和40-55 min时间段对视觉注意力影响较严重,在0-15 min和50-80 min时间段对视觉辨识能力影响较严重;3)被试者随时间变化出现视觉性疲劳后,噪声可轻微提高视觉认知效率和视觉辨识能力。
To enhance the workers' visual cognitive and distinguishing power to be exposed in the noisy environment and reduce the accident rate due to the human-affecting factors,the paper is inclined to pursue the changing situation of the workers' visual cognition in response to the noise exposure duration.As is known,noise is a key detrimental factor in the underground coal mines with its impact on the human visual system being not neglected.In hoping to verify the change of the visual distinction of the objects over the noise exposure duration on the fully mechanized coalmine work-face,the paper has collected 3 kinds of human eye movement indexes,i.e.the AFD,ASA and SC of the objects via a tracker known as the Eye Link II.While the AFD can help to measure the influence of the noise exposure duration on the visual attention of the visual cognition,the ASA is favorable for testing the effects of the noise exposure duration on the visual cognitive efficiency.At the same time,the SC can identify and work out the visual recognition capability of the noise exposure time in accordance with the visual perception.What is more,in accordance with the study goal,we have been asked to test a total number of 70 subjects in the paper through a well prepared questionnaire.Thus,as a result,we have collected a total number of 1 190 groups of subjects for their eye movement index data,and made a test of their eye movement index data by using the mean value of the Z-score standard.And,then,we have traced the trend of the standard mean change of the control group and the noise group of the three indexes.The results of our investigation and face to-face interview show that:(1) Noise can harm human visual attention,but fails to decrease the significant efficiency on the visual cognition,though the effect of the noise on the human visual identification seems to be complicated and controversial:(2) The AFD shows that a strong impact can be made by the visual attention noise in two kinds of interval:0-10 min and 40-55 min;(3) The ASA indicates that prolonging noise tends to make the subjects feel visual fatigue,though the noise can slightly vitalize the visual cognition efficiency during a time interval between50-80 min;(4) The visual identifying power of the subjects is likely to be weakened by the noise prolonging between 0-30 min,though the visual identifying ability of the subjects tends to be influenced by the noise lasting for 30-45 min.After that,the visual cognition efficiency of the subjects can be slightly strengthened by the noise till the following 45-80 min.Therefore,the visual identifying ability of the subjects can be enhanced by the noise prolonging interval between 0-15 min and 50-80 min.
JING Guo-xun;ZHAO Pan-fei;LU Peng-fei;WANG Yuan-sheng(School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China;Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, Henan, China)
Journal of Safety and Environment
occupational health engineering
visual cognition
noise exposure durations
eye movement indexes
visual fatigue