

Molecular biology diagnosis and epidemiological investigation of canines’ Babesia in Hainan
摘要 为了研究海南海口地区犬自然感染巴贝斯虫病及虫体DNA基因分型情况,从而为制订海口地区犬巴贝斯虫防疫措施提供依据,试验通过检测贫血犬的血液巴贝斯虫DNA,以海口市流浪狗中心采集的66份犬血样及灵山狗舍采集的23份犬血样(共89份血样)为样本,从中提取基因组DNA并进行PCR扩增,得到18S rRNA基因片段,测序后将所测序列与GenBank中的基因序列进行比较分析,建立系统发育树。结果表明:从89份血液样品中共检测出4个阳性样本,阳性率为4.5%,海口地区犬感染的巴贝斯虫有两个分支,一支属于犬巴贝斯虫,一支属于牛巴贝斯虫。说明了海口地区存在犬巴贝斯虫且同一宿主同一地区的犬巴贝斯虫有不同支系。 To study the natural infection status of Babesia canis and the genotype of Babesia DNA in Hainan Haikou,and provide the basis for the development of the control measures of pests’ Babesia in Hainan province,the blood of anemic dogs and DNA of Babesia from infected dogs were examined. In details,66 samples of dog blood from Haikou City Stray Dog Center and 23 samples of dog blood from Lingshan pet shop( 89 dog blood samples in total) are collected,the genome DNA was amplified by PCR to obtain the 18 S rRNA gene fragment of Babesia. Then the sequences of amplified gene fragment was compared with the sequences reported in Gen Bank,and the phylogenetic tree was established. The results showed that four positive samples were detected from 89 blood samples with a positive rate of 4. 5%. The Babesia of infected dogs in Haikou province are divided into two branches,one belongs to the Babesia canis,and another belongs to Babesia bovis. The results indicate that the dog Babesia are exist in Haikou area and the same host in the same area of the canine babesiosis have different branches.
作者 夏何君 应铸 朱晓静 韩谦 王金花 廖承红 XIA Hejun;YING Zhu;ZHU Xiaojing;HAN Qian;WANG Jinhua;LIAO Chenghong(Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, Chin)
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第8期79-82,共4页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划“畜禽重大疫病防控与高效安全养殖综合技术研发重点专项‘严重危害畜禽的寄生虫病诊断、检测与防控新技术’”(2017YFD0501200)
关键词 犬巴贝斯虫 PCR扩增技术 18S RRNA基因 序列分析 分子生物学诊断 canines’ Babesia PCR amplification technique 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis molecular biology diagnosis
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