

An Investigation of Nuclear Exhibition Halls in China and Enlightenment from Japan
摘要 公众可接受性已成为核事业发展的最主要制约因素之一,而核展馆是公众科学传播和交流的重要场所,得到了我国相关政府部门和企事业单位的重视。结合文献调研和专家推荐,经实地走访山东核电科技馆等国内较具代表性的10家核展馆发现,2000年以来我国由涉核企业建设的核展馆呈现出以下特点:展馆建筑明显变得更加宽敞和宏伟,地理位置更加靠近城区,布局多样化,声光电等现代展示手段应用更为普遍,反应堆模型为"标配",平面展板仍较普遍,展示内容大同小异。日本作为世界上拥有核电最多的国家之一,同我国地理位置毗邻且文化接近,其核展馆对我国具有较大的参考和借鉴意义。文献调研发现,20年前有学者对日本核展馆展开了全面调研,发现日本核展馆在20世纪80年代中后期,在展馆建筑自身、周边环境、娱乐设施、高科技展现方式等方面发生了显著变化。比较分析表明,我国核展馆访客接待量偏小,配套服务有待完善,传播内容明显偏重知识传播,核展馆组织机构不健全。建议我国加强核展馆建设的顶层指导,转变发展理念,创新表现形式,精简展示内容,并着力提高运营能力。最后还强调,核科学传播应努力秉承客观公正的基本原则,引导人们不断思考和反思。 Public acceptability has become one of the most important restrictive factors in the development of nuclear industry.The nuclear exhibition hall,to which much attention has been paid by the relevant government departments and enterprises,is an important place for public science communication and exchange.Combined with literature research and expert recommendations,Shandong Nuclear Power Science and Technology Museum and other domestic representatives of the nuclear exhibition halls had been chosen to visit,and it was found that since 2000,nuclear exhibition halls,constructed by nuclear-related enterprises in China,have become significantly more spacious and magnificent,more geographically near the city,and diversified in the layout,and applied acousto-optic and other modern means more often.However,the model of nuclear reactor was the standard configuration,flat panels were still quite common,and display content was basically the same.Japan,close to China in geographical location and culture,is one of the countries with the largest number of nuclear power in the world,so its nuclear exhibition halls have great reference for us to learn.Through literature research,it was found that the Exhibition halls in Japan had changed significantly in the late 1980s in the exhibition building itself,the surrounding environment,entertainment facilities,high-tech display means and so on.A comparative analysis of nuclear exhibition halls between China and Japan showed that visitor’s reception volume of nuclear exhibition halls in China was much smaller,with insufficient supporting services,obviously emphasis on knowledge dissemination and imperfect organizations.Therefore,it is recommended that China should strengthen the top guidance to exhibition halls construction,change development concept,innovate expression methods,streamline display content,and focus on improving operational capabilities.Finally,it is emphasized that the dissemination of nuclear science should strive to uphold the basic principles of objectivity and fairness,and inspire the public to think constantly and profoundly.
出处 《科普研究》 2018年第2期47-53,共7页 Studies on Science Popularization
基金 2016年核与辐射安全监管项目"指导核安全科普展馆建设"(JD201643)
关键词 核展馆 调查比较分析 科学传播 中国 日本 nuclear exhibition hall investigation comparative analysis science communication China Japan
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