地球两极是温室气体和大气污染物质的重要源、汇区 ,对全球气候环境变化的响应和反馈极为敏感 ,是全球大气环境监测的重要本底区域。本文系统地论述了极区CO2 、CH4、N2 O等温室气体研究的历史现状 ,包括南、北极地区温室气体浓度的变化与全球气候变化的关系 ;极区冻土CO2 、CH4、N2 O的排放及其与气候变化的响应关系 ;展望了极区温室气体研究的发展趋势 ;
The polar region, which is very sensitive to response and feedback to global climatic changes, is one of important sources and sink areas for greenhouse gases and becomes the important area for the studies of greenhouse gases. This paper deals with the current progress about the studies for greenhouse gases, such as CO 2?CH 4?N 2O. The contents are as follows: the relationships between the concentrations for greenhouse gases in polar region and global climatic changes; the responding relationships between CO 2?CH 4?N 2O emissions from polar soils and climatic changes; The research prospect for the future and urgent research problems are also outlined.
World Sci-Tech R&D
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中国科学院知识创新工程KZCX2 -3 0 3资助