Based upon the fifth filing and accreditation result of undergraduate major setup in common advanced colle- ges and universities since 2011 , we mainly depicted the general prospect of disciplines of "art history" and "art and sci - tech" , and propose that it is a must to vigorously strengthen the first grade disciplinary construction of arts theory and adjust and enrich the second - grade disciplinary setup in the grand context of double first - rate construction. Es- pecially in 2017, there was a prominent phenomenon, that was, either comprehensive universities or arts colleges all paid much attention to the relationship between art and science, and there were various high -end forum frequently held and various research institutions established. However, this is not only a traditional philosophical problem de- manding settling, but also a big problem of unbalanced disciplinary advancement early existed in higher education field. Currently speaking, it is feasible tomove design studies again under the first- grade discipline arts theory, and re - define the boundary of disciplinary construction and academic research. And this will necessarily open up a new pattern of the overall development of arts discipline.
ZHONG Cheng- xiang;FENG Wei(Research Institution of Arts, Communication University of China, Beifing 100024;China Literary Federation Publishing House 100125)
Hundred Schools In Arts