
基于化学反应网络模型法的低排放燃烧室NOx模拟及预测 被引量:4

Simulation and prediction of NOx for a low emission combustor with chemical reactor networks model
摘要 通过对一种贫油预混预蒸发燃烧室进行数值模拟获得初步燃烧流场、温度场等信息,再根据其流场分布特点划分不同的反应区域,采用基于详细化学反应机理的化学反应网络模型法对其NOx排放进行预测。通过与试验数据的对比验证,建立了该型低排放燃烧室的NOx排放预测模型和NOx排放预估关系式,同时利用该模型对该型燃烧室在不同工况下的NOx排放进行了预测。分析结果表明,该模型预测精度误差在9%以内,具有一定的工程应用价值。 A pre-mixed pre-vaporized eombustor was simulated by CFD to get the field of velocity and temperature, and then reaction parts are partitioned according to flow field distribution. Chemical reactor net based on detail chemical mechanism was established to predict NOx emission. Through comparison with experiment data, NOx emission prediction model and correlation for the low emission eombustor were established, and NOx emission under different working conditions was predicted. The analysis results show that the model is valuable in engineering application with the precision errors below 9%.
作者 马存祥 邢力 徐华胜 MA Cun-xiang;XING Li;XU Hua-sheng(AECC Siehuan Gas Turbine Establishment, Chengdu 610500, China)
出处 《燃气涡轮试验与研究》 北大核心 2018年第2期33-36,共4页 Gas Turbine Experiment and Research
关键词 航空发动机 燃烧室 化学反应网络模型法 反应机理 NOx 预测模型 areo-engine combustor chemical reactor networks model reaction mechanism NOx prediction model
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