
中国城市群金融联系网络时空格局演化及影响因素 被引量:36

Space-Time Pattern Evolution and Influencing Factors of Urban Agglomeration Financial Connection Network in China
摘要 以城市群作为空间研究单元,利用1995、2005及2015年3年份金融业的企业网络数据,借助社会网络分析、GIS可视化及多元回归分析,对中国城市群金融联系网络的演化特征及驱动机制进行了研究。研究发现:大多城市群内部金融联系网络都取得了显著发展,其中长三角、珠三角、京津冀和辽中南城市群金融网络较为成熟,成渝城市群、长江中游城市群、哈长城市群、呼包鄂榆城市群发展为稳定的双核结构,海峡西岸城市群和山东半岛城市群则始终呈现省会城市强于门户城市的弱双核结构,其余大多中西部城市群逐渐形成单中心金融网络;城市群间金融联系网络也愈发密集,除长三角、珠三角和京津冀三大城市群外,关中城市群、山东半岛城市群、长江中游城市群和海峡西岸城市群也逐渐发展为重要节点;各城市群金融资源吸引力位次和总部金融发展能力位次存在一定差异,且影响两者发展的因素也存在一定差异,除人力资本及产业结构是影响两者发展的共同因素外,经济发展规模、政府干预能力对城市群金融资源吸引力有一定影响,但对总部金融发展影响不大,地理区位的影响则正好相反。 This paper takes urban agglomeration as study unit and uses Social Network Analysis, GIS tools and multiple regression analysis to explore and interpret the evolution of China' s financial network in the last decades based on the longitudinal office distribution data of top financial enterprises during 1995 to 2015. The results show that: (1) the financial connection network within most urban agglomerations has obtained considerable development, thereinto, a densest network is seen in the urban agglomerations of the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Capital Metropolitan Circle and Mid-Southern Liaoning, a strong two-nuclear network is gradually formed in the urban agglomerations of Cheng-Yu, Yangtze River Middle Reaches, Harbin-Changchun and Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin, a weak two-nuclear network in which capital city is stronger than gateway city is always presented in the urban agglomerations of Shandong Peninsula and West Coast, a single-center clustering network is gradually formed in most other Midwest urban agglomerations. (2) The financial connection network between urban agglomerations also becomes more and more intensive. Besides Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Capital Metropolitan Circle, urban agglomerations of Guanzhong, Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Middle Reaches and West Coast have also developed into important network nodes. (3) The rank of urban agglomeration based on financial resources attraction is different from the rank based on headquarters finance development capacity, and the factors that influence the development of them are also different. Besides human capital and industrial structure which are common influencing factors, economic development scale and government intervention ability also play a significant role in promoting financial resources attraction, but have little influence on headquarters finance development, while, the effect of geographical location is just the opposite.
作者 赵金丽 王曼曼 张璐璐 宋金平 ZHAO Jinli;WANG Manman;ZHANG Lulu;SONG Jinping(Faculty of Geographical Science ,Beo'ing Normal University ,Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期91-99,共9页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41271132)
关键词 城市群 金融联系网络 社会网络分析 演化 影响因素 中国 urban agglomeration financial connection network Social Network Analysis evolution influencing factor China
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