
基于SFA和DEA的河南省环境效率时空差异及影响因素分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Spatial-temporal Differences and Influence Factors of Environmental Efficiency in Henan Province Based on SFA and DEA Model
摘要 经济与环境的协调发展问题,一直是关注的焦点.运用SFA和超效率DEA模型对河南省2005-2014年的环境效率进行综合评价,在此基础上利用Tobit回归模型探讨河南省环境效率的影响因素.结果表明:近10年河南省绝对环境效率值呈逐渐升高趋势,但各地区之间存在显著差异,整体的K均值聚类呈现出自中心向外围递减的空间分布特征;相对环境效率呈现出低效率地区多集中在北部,较高效率以上的地区经历了东、南部,中部,中、南部的空间分布特征,郑州和周口相对效率值较高且始终表现为有效,而新乡和三门峡则较低且始终表现为无效;各地区之间的环境效率差异在逐渐减小,存在β趋同现象;回归结果表明第三产业占GDP比重是影响河南省环境效率提升的最关键因素. The coordinated development between economy and environment has always been the focus of attention. Environmental efficiency is one of the criteria to measure the coordinated development of economy and environment. The environmental efficiency of Henan Province in 2005--2014 was analyzed and evaluated by using SFA and DEA super efficiency model, and the dynamic trend of environmental efficiency in Henan Province was analyzed. On this basis, the Tobit model was used to explore the influencing factors of environmental efficiency in Henan Province. Results show: in recent ten years, the absolute environmental efficiency of Henan Province shows a gradual upward trend, but there were significant differences between the regions. K means clustering shows that the spatial distribution characteristics are declined from center to periphery. The distribution characteristics of relative environmental efficiency in different regions were that the low efficiency areas are more concentrated in the northern part, while the higher efficiency regions experienced the spatial distribution characteristics of the southeast, midland, and central south. The relative environmental effieieneies of Zhengzhou and Zhoukou are relatively high, and they have been shown to be effective, while those Sanmenxia and Xinxiang are low and always ineffective. The difference of environmental efficiency between different regions is gradually decreased, showing a phenomenon of beta convergence. In these ten years, the convergence rate of 2010--2014 years is faster, and the convergence rate is 15.22G. Regression results show that the proportion of the third industry in GDP is the most important factor to improve the environmental efficiency of Henan Province, R&D expenditure and profit margin of industrial costs also play a positive role in the promotion of environmental efficiency. Some suggestions on the promotion of environmental efficiency in Henan Province are put forward: (1) readjusting industrial structure and optimizing the industrial layout~ (2) overall planning and layout, highlighting their respective advantages and building a green development ecological network~ (3) optimizing the investment in science and technology and implementing the strategy of innovation driven development.
作者 刘士锐 谢志祥 秦耀辰 丁志伟 LIU Shirui;XIE Zhixiang;QIN Yaochen;DING Zhiwei(College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Henan Kaifeng 475004, Chin)
出处 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第2期138-150,共13页 Journal of Henan University:Natural Science
基金 河南省科技厅社会发展攻关项目(162102310396) 河南省教育厅人文社科一般资助项目(2017-ZZJH-054)
关键词 SFA DEA 环境效率 TOBIT 时空差异 SFA DEA environmental efficiency Tobit spatial temporal differences
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