
基于大数据理念和技术背景下的智慧教材开发体系研究 被引量:2

Research on the development system of intelligent materials based on the concept and technology of large data
摘要 在信息技术高速发展的今天,新观念、新技术、新理论不断涌现,有力地推动了教育信息化的快速发展。本文根据大数据本身的优势和教育信息资源的广泛应用,将大数据理念和技术融入到智慧教材的开发中,从理论和技术层面研究了智慧教材开发体系的建立。 With the rapid development of information technology, new ideas, new technologies and new theories are constantly emerging, which have greatly promoted the rapid development of education information.Based on the advantages of big data and the wide application of educational information resources, this paper integrates the idea and technology of big data into the development of intelligent textbooks, and studies the establishment of intelligent teaching material development system from the theoretical and technological level.
作者 崔茂应 杨莉 李丽娇 赵林波 杨福华 Cui Mao-ying;Yang Li;Li Li-jiao;Zhao Lin-bo;Yang Fu-hua(Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Kunming, 65050)
出处 《电子世界》 2018年第9期26-27,共2页 Electronics World
基金 云南中医学院2017年度教育科学研究课题(项目编号:ZD170204)
关键词 大数据 技术 智慧教材 开发体系 Big data Technology Wisdom material Development system
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