
2014-2016年北京市西城区流感样病例暴发疫情流行病学特征分析 被引量:5

Epidemiological analysis of ILI outbreaks in Xicheng District of Beijing from 2014 to 2016
摘要 目的分析2014-2016年北京市西城区学校流感样病例暴发疫情的流行特征,为有效防控流感提供科学依据。方法收集2014-2016年北京市西城区报告的流感样病例暴发疫情的现场调查资料和实验室检测结果进行分析。结果2014-2016年北京市西城区共报告14起流感样病例暴发疫情,平均罹患率为38.94%(22.06%~58.62%)。疫情发生高峰月为12月(8起)及11月(4起);全部发生在学校,发病人群主要集中在新入学的学生中,新生与非新生罹患率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=7.171,P<0.01)。共采集128份咽拭子标本进行流感病毒核酸检测,阳性率为85.94%,以甲型H3N2流感病毒为主(71.82%)。结论 2014-2016年北京市西城区流感样病例暴发疫情均发生在各类校园,集中发生在冬春季,在学校进行流感防控工作中应重点对新入学的学生加强防控。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of influenza-like illness( ILI) outbreaks in Xicheng District of Beijing from 2014 to 2016 to provide a scientific basis for control and prevention of influenza. Methods An analysis was performed on the scene investigation data and the laboratory test results of ILI outbreaks in Xicheng District from 2014 to2016. Results A total of 14 ILI outbreaks in schools were reported in Xicheng District of Beijing from 2014 to 2016,and the incidence rate was 38. 94%( 22. 06% ~ 58. 62%). There were 8 ILI outbreaks in Decemberand 4 in November,all of which were reported by schools. The patients were mainly newly enrolled students,and significant difference was found in attack rate between new students and non-new students( χ^2= 7. 171,P〈0. 01). A total of 128 samples were collected and 79 of them were positive for H3 N2 A nucleus acid( 71. 82%). Conclusion All ILI outbreaks in Xicheng District of Beijing from 2014 to 2016 occurred in schools,with Winter and spring being the peak seasons. Influenza prevention and control work in schools should particularly focus on those newly enrolled students.
作者 肖征 李继珊 任剑 杨雄 孙景異 XIAO Zheng;LI Jishan;REN Jian;YANG Xiong;SUN Jingyi(Beijing Xicheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100120, China)
出处 《医学动物防制》 2018年第5期499-501,共3页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
基金 北京市科协金桥工程种子资金(ZZ16037)
关键词 流感 暴发疫情 流行特征 Influenza Disease outbreaks Epidemiological characteristics
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