

A Preliminary Study of Memorial Activities in Central Soviet Area——discussion mainly on Red China and Struggle
摘要 中央苏区时期,党中央以及苏维埃政府、红军高度重视各类纪念活动的举办,不仅将其与查田、扩红等各项紧迫任务相结合,更为重要的还在于试图通过纪念活动,在苏区民众中间构建共同的历史认知,增进民众对中共红色政权的认同度以及两者之间的紧密度。中央苏区时期的纪念活动类型多样,既充满"洋"味,亦不乏本土特色;内容也颇为丰富,且规模盛大,喜闻乐见,如召开纪念大会、举行游行示威活动和盛大阅兵式、发表纪念宣言、运动赛会征文、表彰颁奖等,而《红色中华》和《斗争》这两份中央苏区时期最为重要的一报一刊就登载了大量有关纪念活动的报道、评论,立体展现了中央苏区时期的纪念活动样态。总体而言,中央苏区时期的纪念活动借助纸媒平台,对提升政权合法性,阐释政策合理性,增强红军战斗力,强化军民情谊,最大限度凝聚社会人心都发挥着重要作用。 During the period of the Central Soviet Area,the Central Committee of the Communist of China,the soviet government and the Red Army attached great importance to the holding of various commemorative activities,not only combining them with various urgent tasks,such as the land inventory movement and the expansion of the Red Army,more importantly,helping people build historical cognition through memorial activities in order to enhance public recognition of the red regime and the degree of tightness between the two.In the meantime,there were various types of commemorative activities which were full of"foreign"flavor,also not short of local characteristics.The content was also rich and varied in form,such as commemorative meeting,demonstrations and grand parade,and commemorative declaration.Red Chinaand Struggle,an important newspaper and an important magazine,published a large number of reports of and comments on commemorative activities,which had a three-dimensional show of the commemorative activities during the period of the Central Soviet Area.Overall,the commemorative activities of that period played an important role through the platform of paper media,in enhancing the legitimacy of the regime,explaining the rationality of the regime,improving the combat effectiveness of the Red Army,strengthening the friendship between the army and the people,and maximizing the cohesion of the community.
作者 吴强 WU Oiang(Institute of the Central Soviet .A.rca, longyan Univcrsity, Longyan Lujian 364012 ,China)
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2018年第2期23-32,共10页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
基金 福建省社会科学规划青年项目(FJ2017C001) 国家社会科学基金(17BDJ066)
关键词 中央苏区 纪念活动 《红色中华》 《斗争》 the Central Soviet Area commemorative activities Red China Struggle
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