

Co-culture of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus
摘要 为探明刺参Apostichopus japonicus养殖池塘混养日本囊对虾Penaeus japonicus的适宜搭配比例,通过在刺参养殖池塘围隔中进行日本囊对虾生态混养试验,比较了不同密度搭配比例下刺参(10、15 ind./m^2,湿体质量为6.05 g±3.15 g)与日本囊对虾(0、2、4、8 ind./m^2,湿体质量为0.89 g±0.36 g)的养殖效果。结果表明:经过4个多月的混养试验,刺参生长状况与混养日本囊对虾的密度大小无显著相关性,混养日本囊对虾对主养品种刺参的生长无显著性影响(P>0.05);日本囊对虾的生长主要受自身养殖密度的影响,其密度越小,存活率越高,生长速度越快;与刺参混养的两个2 ind./m^2对虾密度组最终体质量(33.90、32.47 g),显著高于4 ind./m^2对虾密度组(25.48、25.16 g)和8 ind./m^2对虾密度组(20.29、21.63 g)(P<0.05)。研究表明,综合分析产量与经济效益时,刺参搭配混养4 ind./m^2密度组的日本囊对虾经济效益最高,本研究结果可为参虾池塘生态混养模式的推广应用提供参考依据。 The sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with initial body weight of (6.05±3.15)g were reared in 24 enclosures of each 5 m×5 m×3 m disposed in a 400 000 m2 earthen pond with a depth of 1.5-3.5 m at stocking densi- ty of 10 and 15 individuals/m2 and co-cultured with kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus with body weight of (0.89± 0.36) g at stocking density of 0, 2, 4, and 8 individuals/m2 for 4 months to probe into the optimal ratio of sea cu- cumber to kuruma shrimp in their co-culture in a pond. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between growth and survival of sea cucumber and stocking density of kuruma shrimp (P〉0.05) , without significant effect of kuruma shrimp on growth of the principal sea cucumber(P〉0.05). The growth of kuruma shrimp was af- fected by itself density, being related inversely with shrimp density. The shrimp at density 2 ind./m2 had final body weight of 33.90 g at 10 individual sea eueumber/m2, and 32.47 g at 15 individual sea eueumber/m2, significantly higher at 4 individual shrimp/m2 ( 25.48 and 25.16 g) and at 8 individual shrimp/m2 ( 20.29 and 21.63 g) ( P 〈 0.05). The maximal profits based on survival, yieht and price was observed in the polyeulture of sea cucumber at stocking density of 4 ind./m2 with kuruma shrimp. The findings provide referenees for commercial co-culture of sea cucumber with different shrimp species in an integrated multi-trophie aquaculture system.
作者 滕炜鸣 王庆志 周遵春 迟进坤 刘思昱 谢玺 李华琳 张明 TENG Wei-ming;WANG Qing-zhi;ZHOU Zun-chun;CHI Jin-kun;LIU Si-yu;XIE Xi;LI Hua-lin;ZHANG Ming(Liaoning Open LaboratolT of Applied Marine Biotechnology, Liaoning Ocean and Fisheries Science Research Institute, Dalian 116023, China;College of Animal llusbandlT and VeterinalT Medicine, Jinzhou Medical Lniversity, Jinzhou 121007, China)
出处 《大连海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期283-288,共6页 Journal of Dalian Ocean University
基金 辽宁省科学技术计划项目(2014203006 2015103044) 辽宁省农业领域青年科技创新人才培养计划项目(2014013) 辽宁省海洋与渔业科学技术计划项目(201209 201301 201602) 大连市高层次人才创新支持计划项目(2016RQ081) 辽宁省博士科研启动基金资助项目(201601387) 辽宁省科学事业公益研究基金资助项目(2016004005)
关键词 刺参 日本囊对虾 混养 生长 Apostichopus japonicus Penaeus japonicus integrated muhi-trophic aquacuhure growth
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