
耕地流转对农户水稻生产技术效率的影响研究——以武汉都市圈为例 被引量:22

Impact of cultivated land transfer on rice farmers' technical efficiency:a case study in Wuhan Metropolitan Area
摘要 首先从理论上揭示在不同耕地流转市场、耕地经营规模和耕地细碎化程度的条件下,耕地流转对农户水稻生产技术效率的影响;然后运用随机前沿生产函数模型,以武汉都市圈775份水稻种植户问卷调查数据进行实证检验。研究发现:(1)样本农户水稻生产的平均技术效率为0.834,仍存在16.6%的技术效率损失。(2)耕地流转能够提升农户水稻生产的技术效率,且耕地转出和耕地转入都对技术效率有正向作用,相对于耕地转入而言,耕地转出对技术效率的提升作用更为显著。(3)耕地转入规范户的技术效率高于未流转户,耕地转入欠规范户的技术效率低于未流转户。(4)耕地转入规范户的技术效率随着耕地经营规模的扩大呈现上升的趋势,耕地转入欠规范户的技术效率随着耕地经营规模的扩大呈现先上升后下降的倒"U"型趋势。(5)耕地转入规范户的技术效率随着耕地细碎化程度的增加呈现下降的趋势,耕地转入欠规范户的技术效率随着耕地细碎化程度的增加呈现先下降后上升的"U型"趋势,且耕地细碎化对不同经营规模转入欠规范户技术效率的影响不同。研究结论:耕地流转对农户水稻生产技术效率的影响受制于耕地流转市场规范化程度、耕地经营规模和耕地细碎化程度;耕地经营规模对农户水稻生产技术效率的影响受到耕地流转市场规范化程度的制约;耕地细碎化对农户水稻生产技术效率的影响方向取决于耕地流转市场规范化程度和耕地经营规模。 This paper established a theoretical framework of the relationship belween cultivated land transfer and rice farmers' technical efficiency under different cultivated land transfer market conditions, cultivated land operation scales and cultivated land fragmentation degrees. Based on stochastic frontier production function and survey data collected from 755 rice farmers in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, this paper empirically analyzed the impact of cultivated land transfer on rice farmers' technical efficiency. The results indicated that: ① The mean technical efficiency score was 0. 834, suggesting that on the average these farmers could proportionally reduce their current variable inputs by 16. 6% without any reductions at the output level. ② Cultivated land transfer isan effective way to improve rice farmers' technical efficiency, both the behavior of transfer-in and transfer-out have positive impact on technical efficiency, and the behavior of transfer-out is more conducive to improving technical efficiency than the behavior of transfer- in. ③ The technical efficiency of standard tenants is much higher than that of those hadn' t transferred their land, while the technical efficiency of non-standard tenants is lower than that of those hadn' t transferred their land. ④ There is a positive eorrelativity betweenthe technical efficiency of standard tenants and cultivated land operation scale, while there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the technical efficiency of non-standard tenants and cultivated land operation scale. ⑤There is an inverse relationship belween the technical efficiency of standard tenants and cultivated land fragmentation, while there is a U-shaped relationship between the technical efficiency of non-standard tenants and cultivated land fragmentation. It is concluded that : ① Rice farmers ' technical efficiency isaffected by the standardization of cultivated land transfer market, cultivated land operation scale and cultivated land fragmentation.② The direction of cultivated land operation scale on rice farmers' technical efficiency depends on the standardization of cultivated land transfer market. ③ The direction of cultivated land fragmentation on rice farmers' technical efficiency depends on both the standardization of cultivated land transfer market and cultivated land operation scale.
作者 杨钢桥 张超正 文高辉 YANG Gang-qiao1 ZHANG Chao-zheng1, WEN Gao-hui2(1. College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070, China; 2. College of Resources and Environmental Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan 410006, Chin)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期142-151,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"农村土地整治的绩效 机制与模式"(批准号:2662015PY127)
关键词 耕地流转 农户 水稻生产 技术效率 耕地细碎化 市场规范化程度 cultivated land transferI farmerI rice productionI technical efficiencyI cultivated land fragmentationI marketstandardization
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