
北美自由贸易协定重新谈判的政治经济学分析 被引量:1

Political and Economic Analysis on NAFTA's Renegotiation
摘要 事实证明,23年来"北美自由贸易协定"(NAFTA)运行的总体经济效应显著。它不但构建了一个以"法制原则"为核心内容的"区域性公共产品",而且对成员国尤其是墨西哥的经济制度建设和外向型经济发展做出了积极贡献。而NAFTA重谈,不仅在于它的先天不足,还在于后天形势发展所需;不仅涉及经济问题,还与政治问题相连。但"NAFTA 1.0"版升级至"NAFTA 2.0"版的谈判进程较为复杂,结果具有不确定性。观察NAFTA重谈之意义,一方面在于事件本身具有的重要性;另一方面,可为当前和未来我国升级或谈判下一代自由贸易协定带来启示。 It was proved that the overall economic effect of the NAFTA was significant in the past 23 years. Moreover,it established a regional public goods( RPGs) with "rule of law"as the core in the region and has made a positive contribution to the economic system construction and export-oriented economic development for member countries. The proposed NAFTA's renegotiation results from not only its inherent deficiencies,but from the urgent demand of today's development. It involves not only economic issues,but political issues as well. It's not sure if "NAFTA 1. 0" version could be upgraded to "NAFTA2. 0" version in the end. It is estimated that the complicated process of renegotiation might lead to quite uncertain results. Focusing on NAFTA's renegotiation is also meaningful for China's current and future negotiations on upgrading or negotiating the next generation FTAs.
作者 杨志敏 YANG Zhi - min(Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100007, China)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第6期1-10,共10页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 北美 自由贸易协定 谈判 政治经济学 启示 North America Free Trade Agreement renegotiation enlightenment
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  • 2Krueger, Anne O, "Trade Creation and Trade Diversion under NAFTA", NBER Working Paper 7429, December 1999.
  • 3Mary Burfisher, Sherman Robinson, and Karen Thierfelder, "The Impact of NAFTA on the United States", Journal of E- conomic Perspectives, Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 2001, pp.125--144.
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  • 7美国商务部经济分析局的国际经济账户,http://www.bea.gov/international/index.htm.
  • 8Laura Dawson, "Canada's trade with Mexico.. Where we' ve been, where we're going and why it matters", The Canadian Council of Chief Executives, February 2014, p.9.
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  • 10Congressional Budget Office of the United States, "The Effects of NAFTA on U. S.- Mexican Trade and GDP", A CBO Paper, May 2003, p. xiv.












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