
能耗、大气污染物排放及碳排放协同研究可视化分析 被引量:4

Visualized Analysis of the Collaborative Research on Energy Consumption,Atmospheric Pollutant Emissions and Carbon Emissions
摘要 选取Web of Science核心合集作为数据源,搜集数据库中有关能耗、大气污染物排放及碳排放协同研究的文献记录,利用计量软件Citespace对相关记录中的被引参考文献、关键词、被引作者及作者共现进行可视化分析,绘制出科学知识图谱,得到该研究领域的知识基础、研究热点演进、关键人物及作者合作关系网络。结果表明,针对能耗、大气污染物排放和碳排放的协同研究起步较晚,但发展迅速。知识基础文献发表年份距2018年较近,最早为2007年,大部分集中在2011年。不同时期该领域的研究热点有所不同,随着时间的推移大致可划分为3个阶段。学者张强、雷宇、Streets D G被引次数最高,对该领域做出的基础工作为后来学者提供了许多有价值的参考信息,且学者彼此之间合作较为密切,存在多个合作群体。研究者今后可以结合中国国情,测度各省份乃至各地市的排放效率并进行分配研究。同时应密切关注关键核心人物,掌握最新研究动态,并在研究时寻求多方合作。 Web of Science Core Collection is selected as the data sources,the literature records of collaborative research on energy consumption,atmospheric pollutant emissions and carbon emissions in the database are collected,the measurement software Citespace is used to visualize the co-occurrences of cited references,keywords,cited authors and authors in relevant records,the scientific knowledge maps are drawn,and the network of knowledge base,evolution of research hotspots,key person and authors’ cooperative relationship in this research field is obtained.The results show that the collaborative research on energy consumption,atmospheric pollutant emissions and carbon emissions started late but developed rapidly.The knowledge base literatures were published first in 2007 and mostly in 2011.There are different research hotspots in different periods,which can be roughly divided into three stages according to time periods.Zhang Qiang,Lei Yu,and Streets D G are the most cited scholars,and their fundamental contributions in this field provide valuable reference information for the later scholars.The scholars cooperate closely with each other,and many cooperative groups are found.In the future,researchers can measure the emission efficiency of various provinces and even cities and carry out allocation research combined with the actual conditions in China,pay close attention to key persons,keep abreast of the latest research trends,and seek multi-party cooperation in researches.
作者 宋杰鲲 梁璐璐 康忠燕 Song Jiekun;Liang Lulu;Kang Zhongyan(School of Economics and Management,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao Shandong 26658)
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2018年第4期11-18,共8页 Sino-Global Energy
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“融合效率与公平的省域碳排放权初始分配建模与应用研究”(编号:16YJAZH054)
关键词 能耗 大气污染物 碳排放 知识基础 关键人物 合作群体 可视化分析 energy consumption atmospheric pollutants carbon emission knowledge base key person cooperative group visualized analysis
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