
政党政治良性发展的中国方案——新型政党制度的世界意义 被引量:9

The China Program for the Good Development of Political Party Politics——The Worldwide Significance of the New-type System of Political Parties
摘要 在现行政党制度中,多党制虽然因为政党之间的相互制约监督可在一定程度上减少权力滥用与腐败,但也容易产生政党之间为争夺执政权而相互掣肘恶斗,导致决策不畅,执政效率不高;原苏东社会主义国家的一党制虽然避免了多党制国家政党之间的相互掣肘恶斗,但又因为缺乏政党之间的相互制约监督而导致严重的权力滥用腐败,决策效率虽高,但执政效果不佳。唯有中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商制度既避免了两者的各种弊端,又能充分发挥一党长期执政与多党合作制的最大优势,有效促进社会持续稳定和谐发展,这种新型政党制度为世界各国探索现代政党政治趋利避害良性发展贡献了中国方案。 Among the current systems of political parties, the multi-party system can reduce the abuse of power and corruption to a certain extent because of the mutual restraint and supervision by different political parties, yet under this system the political parties also tend to engage in fierce strife with each other as they compete for the power of governing, resulting in poor decision- making and low efficiency. In contrast, the one-party system adopted by the Soviet Union and East European socialist countries successfully avoided the inter-party competition as had happened in the multi-party states, but it has caused serious abuse of power and corruption due to the lack of inter-party constraint and supervision; though its efficiency in decision-making is high, the governance effect is not good. The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China not only avoids the various drawbacks of the said two systems, but also can take fhll advantage of tile long-term governance by one party and the multi-party cooperation system, effectively promoting the sustainable development, stability and harmony of the society. This new system of political parties has contributed a China program to the world countries to help them to seek the advantages and avoid the disadvantages in exploring the modern political party politics.
作者 郭文亮 Guo Wenliang
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期34-39,共6页 Frontiers
关键词 新型政党制度 民主监督 民主协商 清廉高效 New-type system of political parties, democratic supervision, democratic consultation, clean and efficient
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