Before even stepping on to the foot ball field in China. Cédric Bakea-nbu had already broken a record, that of the most expensive transfer in African football: Belling Sinobo Guoan Foot ball Club in China paid a staggering 74 rail lion euros for the Villarreal forward fronl the Spanish La Liga. To hasten the signing of his four-yer contract, the Chinese club even agreed to pay the transfer fee right away in its entirety.
Before even stepping on to the foot ball field in China. Cédric Bakea-nbu had already broken a record, that of the most expensive transfer in African football: Belling Sinobo Guoan Foot ball Club in China paid a staggering 74 rail lion euros for the Villarreal forward fronl the Spanish La Liga. To hasten the signing of his four-yer contract, the Chinese club even agreed to pay the transfer fee right away in its entirety.