
论中国参与“两洋铁路”建设的线路规划、意义与困境 被引量:1

An Analysis on the Routes Planning,Significance and Challenges of China's Participation in the Construction of the “Twin Ocean Railroad”
摘要 规划中的巴西—秘鲁"两洋铁路"是中拉产能合作的重点项目。该项目建成后将促进拉美一体化,降低沿线内陆地区与沿海地区经济发展的不平衡,改善物流条件、降低运输成本,促进中国与相关国家贸易增长。但是,由于在技术、成本和环保方面存在一定挑战,"两洋铁路"尚处于研究之中,进展缓慢。巴西和秘鲁政府政权更迭后,该项目的建设前景更加黯淡。未来,中国应该在双边和多边政策沟通、参与建设合作模式、加强金融合作和环境保护等方面进行突破,促使该项目向前推进。 The planned Brazil-Peru Twin Ocean Railroad is a key project in Sino-Latin American production capacity cooperation. After the completion of the project,the Latin American integration will be promoted,the gap between inland and coastal areas will be narrowed,the logistics conditions will be improved,the transportation costs will be reduced,and the trade with China will be increased. However,due to the challenges in technology,cost and environmental protection,this project is still under study and is making slow progress. The prospects of the project are even bleaker after the new presidents came in power both in Brazil and Peru. In the future,China should make breakthroughs in bilateral and multilateral policy communication,participation in the construction of cooperation model,strengthening of financial cooperation and environmental protection,to push the project forward.
作者 王飞 林紫琪 WANG Fei;LIN Zi-qi(Institute of Latin American Studies,CASS,University of Macao,999078,Chin)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第2期1-9,共9页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中拉关系及对拉战略研究”(批准号:2015ZDA067)阶段成果 中国社会科学院“一带一路”倡议下郑州建设国家中心城市--美洲地区合作重点方向及领域研究项目阶段性成果
关键词 巴西 秘鲁 两洋铁路 中拉关系 国际产能合作 Brazil Peru Twin Ocean Railroad:sino-LAC relation global production capacity cooperation
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