A pair of bronzes with socalled “socle with five columns” was unearthed from Tomb M1 in Tunxin, AnhuiProvince. This object is very similar to a musical instrument named Zhu, which was sketched by Song Boren, a Confucian in the Southern Song Dynasty. After the sinological analysis, we know that the sketch resembles the HanConfucians’ original conception of the musical instrument named Zhu. But neither sinological research nor achaeological evidence supports the existence of the Zhu musical instrument in the rites of the Zhou Dynasty. Is it possible thatit belonged to the rites of the Shang Dynasty? The answer is yes. The rites of Zhou inherited some of the rites of Shangand abandoned some others, particularly if it contented a shaman culture. Shamans in the Shang Dynasty used theZhu as a magical instrument, allowing them to determine the direction of winds, to distinguish different sounds and eventually to welcome the gods. For this reason a Shang rite usually started with a stroke on the Zhu musical instrument, as reported later by Confucians from the Han Dynasty. But this practice was abandoned by the Zhou Dynastyand presumably also strictly forbidden during their clutrual events. A Zhu musical instrument appeared in Tunxi, farfrom the midlands of China, because the royal lineage of the Shang kingdom and their allies, for example ShangYan,had been expelled and scattered by the Zhou troops after a war (or several wars) spanning many years, and the shaman culture had been rebuilt within the area of the later States of Wu and Yue, as soon as they had found a place thatwas secure from the threats of the Zhou Kingdom.
Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
bronzes from Tunxi
musical instrument Zhu
the State of Yue