
褪黑素诱导sts基因表达提高葡萄白藜芦醇含量 被引量:6

Melatonin Treatment Enhances Content of Resveratrol via Up-regulating Stilbene Synthase(sts) Gene Expression in Grape
摘要 目的:探讨外源褪黑素处理是否能够诱导葡萄茋类合酶(stilbene synthase,STS)基因sts表达,进而提高葡萄白藜芦醇含量;为应用褪黑素来提高葡萄营养价值和揭示褪黑素调控白藜芦醇代谢的分子机理提供理论支持。方法:100μmol/L褪黑素加表面活性剂浸泡转色早期的葡萄果穗,30μmol/L褪黑素处理生长30 d左右的无菌组培苗根系;利用葡萄基因组数据库,结合RNA-Seq技术,鉴定葡萄上褪黑素诱导的sts基因家族成员,并用Clustalx和MEGA5软件进行序列分析和构建进化树,使用在线软件plant CARE分析sts基因启动子区域的顺式作用元件;实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,q RT-PCR)检测sts基因在褪黑素处理不同时间点的表达水平;高效液相色谱测定白藜芦醇含量。结果:RNA-Seq分析表明葡萄果实中有30个sts基因被褪黑素处理诱导上调,占葡萄总sts基因的62.5%,占总上调基因的8.5%;褪黑素诱导的sts基因主要定位在16号染色体上,氨基酸序列高度保守,相似度达88.3%,同源性最高的STS蛋白间仅有1个氨基酸差异;启动子序列分析表明sts基因具有相对保守的启动子序列,相似度在55.6%以上;根据蛋白质和启动子序列相似度,30个sts基因均可划分为A、B、C三组,并且二者聚类结果基本一致,在A和B组sts启动子区域分别发现了一段高度保守的序列;作用元件分析表明,在sts启动子区存在脱落酸、乙烯、水杨酸和生长素等激素响应元件和MYB结合位点;褪黑素诱导的30个sts基因在不同组织中具有不同的表达水平,总体上在根系中表达水平较高,果实中不同sts基因具有不同的转录丰度;通过q RT-PCR检测了5个sts基因在褪黑素处理不同时间的表达水平与RNA-Seq结果一致,均受褪黑素诱导,但具有不同的表达响应模式。结论:褪黑素诱导上调了30个葡萄sts基因,它们之间具有保守的蛋白序列和启动子序列,30个sts基因启动子区域含有不同的作用元件,对褪黑素具有不同的表达响应模式;褪黑素处理能提高葡萄果实和根系中白藜芦醇含量。 Objective: This study aimed to investigate whether melatonin treatment could induce the expression of stilbene synthase(sts) genes and thereby enhance content of resveratrol in grapevine. Methods: The whole grape clusters were treated with 100 μmol/L melatonin at early veraison, and the roots of in vitro shoot cultures were treated with 30 μmol/L melatonin for approximately 30 days after subculture. RNA-Seq with the grape genome data as a reference was employed to identify melatonin-induced sts genes. Sequence and clustering analysis were performed using Clustalx and MEGA5 software, and the cis-acting elements in the promoter region were identified using online plant CARE software. The expression levels of sts genes were detected using quantitative real-time PCRs. The content of resveratrol was determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Results: RNA-Seq analysis showed that 30 sts genes were up-regulated by melatonin treatment, accounting for 62.5% of the total amount of grape sts genes and 8.5% of all the up-regulated genes. The melatonin-induced sts genes were primarily located in chromosome 16 and their deduced proteins shared more than 88.3% similarity; only one different amino acid existed between the two sts with the highest similarity. The promoter regions of different sts genes were also highly conserved and their similarity surpassed 55.6%. The detected 30 sts genes were clustered into three groups, i.e., A, B and C, in the light of their sequence similarity of protein or promoter. A highly conserved sequence was found in the promoters of sts genes from groups A and B. Additionally, there were a number of cis-acting elements present in the promoters of sts gens related to ABA-, ethylene-, salicylic acid-and auxin-responsive elements. The 30 melatonin-induced sts genes exhibited varying expression patterns in different tissues and generally they were predominantly expressed in grape roots; additionally, they had varying transcriptional abundance in grape berries. q RT-PCR analysis showed that the 5 selected sts gens were induced by melatonin, consistent with the results of RNA-Seq, and exhibited different expression patterns in response to melatonin. Conclusions: A total of 30 sts genes were induced by melatonin in grape berries and they shared highly conserved protein and promoter sequences. The promoter regions of 30 sts gens contained different cis-acting elements and they exhibited different expression patterns in response to melatonin treatment. Melatonin treatment enhanced the content of resveratrol in grape berries and roots. The results of this study laya basis for the application of melatonin in improving the nutritional value of grape berries and shed light on the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of melatonin on resveratrol metabolism
作者 许丽丽 岳倩宇 卞凤娥 翟衡 姚玉新 XU Lili;YUE Qianyu;BIAN Feng'e;ZHAI Heng;YAO Yuxin(College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an 271000, China)
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期165-172,共8页 Food Science
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2015CM014) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-30-ZT-06) 山东省"双一流"奖补资金项目(SYL2017YSTD10)
关键词 葡萄 茋类合酶基因 序列特征 表达分析 白藜芦醇 grape sts sequence characteristics expression analysis resveratrol
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