
大数据背景下信息技术类课程教学改革研究 被引量:3

Research on the teaching reform of information technology courses in big data environment
摘要 从大数据时代特色出发,改革信息技术类课程教学模式,更新教学理念,优化教学内容,丰富教学方法,充分实现信息技术类课程教学与大数据技术的深度融合,增强信息技术类课程教学效果。培养具有大数据思维的创新型专业技术人才,为大数据时代信息技术类课程教学提供新的理论指导与技术支撑。 From the view of the characteristics of big data era, the teaching reform and teaching system optimization of information technology courses in big data environment are studied by fully exploiting the characteristics of big data era. By updating the teaching idea, optimizing the teaching contents, and enriching the teaching methods, the teaching of information technology courses can fully be integrated with big data technology to enhance the teaching effectiveness of information technology courses, which helps to train the innovational computer talent with big data thinking, and provides theoretical guidance and technical supports for the teaching reform.
作者 姜明芳 杨恒伏 Jiang Mingfang, Yang Hengfu(Department of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410205, Chin)
出处 《计算机时代》 2018年第5期82-84,共3页 Computer Era
基金 湖南省教学改革项目"互联网+时代计算机专业人才培养模式创新研究"(2016-909) 湖南省社科基金一般项目"信息隐藏视角下大数据安全查询服务研究"(16YBA102)
关键词 大数据 信息技术类课程 教学改革 深度融合 big data information technology courses teaching reform deep integration
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