

Characteristics and Prevention Countermeasures of mine geological hazards in the Northern Piedmont of Qilian Mountains
摘要 甘肃是矿产资源产出大省,矿产开发利用规模大、强度高,因此会引发一定矿山地质环境问题,而矿山地质灾害的威胁尤为严重。分析祁连山北麓一带矿区地质特征,矿山采空地面易出现矿山地质灾害,地质灾害发生原因与矿区开采活动有直接关系。研究该矿区的地质灾害特征,对灾害的防治工程勘查、设计方面有着借鉴意义。 Gansu is a large province of mineral resources production, and the development and utilization of mineral resources is large, so it will cause a certain mine geological environment problems, and the threat of mine geological disasters is particularly serious. The geological characteristics of the mining area in the north foot of Qilian Mountains are analyzed, and mine geological disasters are easy to occur in the mine goaf. The cause of the geological disaster is directly related to the mining activities in the mining area. Studying the characteristics of geological hazards in the mining area can be used for reference in disaster prevention, engineering exploration and design.
作者 张富民 王斌 ZHANG Fu-min,WANG Bin(Gansu fourth Bureau of Geology and mineral resources exploration and Development Bureau,Jiuquan 735000,Chin)
出处 《世界有色金属》 2018年第6期176-177,共2页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 祁连山北麓 地质灾害特征 防治对策 The northern slope of Qilian Mountains characteristics of geological disasters Countermeasures
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