
成品油价格完全市场化时机成熟 被引量:1

Complete Marketization Of Refined Oil Prices Is Ripe
摘要 2017年中共中央、国务院印发《中共中央国务院关于深化石油天然气体制改革的若干意见》,标志着我国油气体制改革进入新一轮高潮,油气产品市场化将是重点改革方向之一。《意见》明确提出"完善油气产品定价机制",其中在成品油价格改革方面提出要"完善成品油价格形成机制,发挥市场决定价格的作用,保留政府在价格异常波动时的调控权"。 In 2017, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Oil and Natural Gas System", marking that China's oil and gas system reform has entered a new round of climax, and the marketization of oil and gas products will be one of the key reform directions. As an important strategic resource and public goods, petroleum resources are related to national security and economic development, further deepening the marketization of refined oil prices, and establishing price formation mechanisms that ref lect market supply and demand conditions and scarcity of resources, which are not only conducive to the rational regulation of the market, supply and demand, The establishment of a modern and open oil market system ensures the healthy, stable and orderly development of the oil market. It also helps to further leverage the price, promote the scientific and efficient use of petroleum resources, promote energy conservation, emission reduction, environmental protection, and upgrade the industrial structure to ease the current economy. The contradiction between the imbalance of energy, the environment and the environment.
作者 董秀成
出处 《中国石油企业》 2018年第4期23-25,2,共3页 China Petroleum Enterprise
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