
从五脏论治营养不良性月经失调 被引量:6

Treatment Based on the Five Internal Organs of Dystrophic Menstrual Disorder
摘要 [目的]从五脏论治营养不良性月经失调的病因病机,以病因病机为基础指导临床治疗。[方法]根据中医基础理论、中医古籍文献,并查阅近现代关于营养不良性月经失调的相关文献,结合所学知识及临床经验,从理论及治疗方面探讨营养不良性月经失调与五脏的关系。[结果]并营养不良性月经失调以水谷精微不足、气血生化乏源为基本病因,以五脏失养为根本病机,临床表现以月经后期、月经过少、经期缩短、经间期出血、闭经等为主。在治疗方面,治脾宜健脾益气、养血祛湿,治肾宜补肾填精、调和阴阳,治肝宜补益肝血、疏肝解郁,治心宜补益心脾,治肺宜理气活血,同时五脏兼顾,辨证论治。[结论]从五脏论治营养不良性月经失调具有独特优势,可提高临床疗效。 [Objective] Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of dystrophic menstrual disorder from the five internal organs. [Methods] Discuss the relationship between dystrophic menstrual disorder and five internal organs from the aspect of theory and clinical treatment, based on basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine, consulted the modern literature on malnutrition and menstrual disorders, and combined with my knowledge and clinical experience. [Results] Dystrophic menstrual disorder is mainly caused by lack of water and grain, deficiency of Qi and blood, and the basic pathogenesis is disnourishment of five organs. The main clinical manifestations are late menstruation, menorrhagia, menstrual cycle shortening,intermenstrual bleeding, amenorrhea and so on. In treatment, nourishing the spleen Qi, nourishing blood and dampness; tonifying kidney Yin and Yang;replenishing the liver blood and relieving stagnation of liver; tonifying spleen and heart; regulating Qi and activating blood. Meanwhile, pay attention to the five internal organs. [Conclusion] Treatment of dystrophic menstrual disorder from the five viscera has unique advantages and can improve the effect of clinical treatment.
作者 陈肖枝 崔梦婉 王佩娟 CHEN Xiaozhi;CUI Mengwan;WANG Peijuan(Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing (210046),China;Jiangs u Provinee Hospital on Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2018年第4期314-316,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 月经失调 营养不良 节食 气血亏虚 脾胃虚弱 五脏论治 整体观念 menstrual disorder dystrophic on a diet deficiency of Qi and blood weakness of the spleen and stomach TCM treatment in terms of Zang-organs collate ideas
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