
植根于自己国家的土壤才会长命——读王佐良论美国诗人勃莱(Robert Bly) 被引量:1

Soil Rooted in One's Own Country will Last Forever——Comment from Wang Zuliang on Robert Bly,an American Poet
摘要 1980年、1984年中国北京外国语大学英语言文学著名专家王佐良先生先后发表两篇文章,叙述他跟美国诗歌深度意象派的旗手罗伯特·勃莱欢晤论诗的经过,认为勃莱提出的"诗如不是从一个国家的土壤里直接生出来,它就不会长命"的主张是"不易之论"。笔者则尊王先生的点评乃"不刊之论"。不是生根于自己国家土壤的精神产品都难逃消沉歇绝的命运,这一结论具有普遍性,笔者也举出中国史学大师陈寅恪和佛学专家郭朋对7世纪玄奘创立的唯识宗的兴衰的论断为例,概括为"土壤论"。本文最后联系到当前中国哲学社会科学界的严重的崇洋媚外倾向,提出"弱者崇强者律",指出崇洋的恶果必然摧残、泯灭人们的自强、创新的心智,有害于中华民族的伟大的复兴事业,必须坚持"不崇洋不排外"的"双不方针",荡涤崇洋雾霾,"振大汉之天声"。 Mr. Wang Zuoliang, a well-known expert of English language and literature from Beijing University of Foreign Studies successively published two articles in 1980 and 1984, in which he describes the experience of comment on poetry happily with Robert Bly, a representative of American imagist poems. He thinks that Bly’s proposition that “no poem exists for a long time unless it produces from its native land” belongs to “unalterable truth”. However, the writer takes Mr. Wang’s comment as “an unalterable statement”. In a matter of fact, any intellectual and artistic products is hard to escape from the destiny of extinction unless it roots from its native land. This is a universal conclusion. In addition, the writer lists the rise and decline of Vijnavada School created by Xuanzang in the 7th century inferred by Chen Yinque, a master of Chinese history and Guo Peng, a Buddhist expert as example. He summarizes his theory as “Grass Root Theory”. In the end of this paper, the author raises, associated with the serious tendency of worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries in the present circle of Chinese philosophy and social science, “the law of weakness worship the strong”. He insists that the evil consequence of western-worship is doomed to destroy and vanish human’s mentality of self-improvement and innovation, which will inevitable do harm to the great renaissance cause of the Chinese nation. Therefore, we have to adhere to “the policy of neither western-worship nor anti-foreign”, washes away the haze of western-worship and “rejuvenate the Chinese nation”.
作者 鲁国尧 LU Guoyao(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 210023)
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第3期1-8,共8页 Journal of Wenzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 王佐良 勃莱 土壤论 弱崇强律 不崇洋不排外的“双不方针” 振大汉之天声 Wang Zuoliang Robert Bly On Grass Roots Jungle Law “Policy of Neither Western-worship Nor Anti-foreign” Rejuvenation of Chinese Nation
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