In bilateral tax treaties, tax incentives should be given to resident companies that have the closest economic interests in the agreed partner countries, and only the owners who actually have independent control over their income and can determine the future economic destiny can apply the concept of beneficial ownership and enjoy tax exemption or low-tax treatment. In terms of international taxation, the main problems currently faced by the Russian tax authorities are the avoidance of the abuse of double taxation agreements and the improper application of treaty incentives, and the concept of beneficial ownership has become the main means of anti-abuse of double tax agreements in Russia. On 1 January 2015, the provision on the concept of beneficial ownership introduced in Russian Tax Code entered into force. This revision of the Russian Tax Code also has certain reference significance for the international taxation field of China, and it will also require a careful consideration of the commercial structure of investment by Chinese investors investing in Russia.
Qiming Xia;Rong Gao;Xuchun Huang
International Taxation In China