

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Paddy Field Expansion in Fuyuan During 1990-2013
摘要 为揭示1990—2013年抚远市水田扩张规律,以Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像为数据源,采用面向对象与人工目视解译结合的分类方法,提取抚远市1990、2013年水田信息,采用土地利用动态度法、叠加分析法和景观质心平移法,再辅以气候和经济数据,分析水田扩张特征及驱动因素。结果表明:面向对象与人工目视解译结合的方法能够准确完成对抚远市水田信息的提取,总体精度达到85%以上;2013年抚远市水田面积3193.81 km^2,比1990年增加2977.67 km^2,土地利用动态度为7.17%,变化率达到129.46%;24年间水田与其他地类之间转换最剧烈的是湿地,湿地转变成水田面积1739.75 km^2,占水田面积增加总量的58.15%;空间上,抚远市水田面积扩张呈现北扩东移趋势。1990—2013年抚远市水田扩张的驱动因素不仅有积温和降水等自然因素,同时也有人口增加、经济发展、科技进步和政策调控等人文因素。通过遥感手段对抚远市水田扩张现状进行了研究,为未来研究区农业发展提供了方向。 To reveal the expansion pattern of paddy field in Fuyuan from 1990 to 2013, the expansion characteristics of paddy field and driving factors were analyzed by dynamic degree method, superposition analysis method and landscape eentroid shift method. The information of paddy field in Fuyuan of 1990 and 2013 was extracted from the TM/OLI Landsat remote sensing image by a classification method based on the combination of object-oriented and artificial visual interpretation. The effects of both climatic factors and economic data were considered in the analysis. The results showed that the method based on the combination of object-oriented and artificial visual interpretation could accurately complete the extraction of paddy field information in Fuyuan, and the overall accuracy was above 85%. The area of paddy field in Fuyuan was 3193.81 km^2 in 2013, which increased by 2977.67 km^2 compared with that in 1990. The dynamic degree of land use was 7.17%, and the change rate was 129.46%. During the 24 years, wetland was dramatically transformed into paddy field, the area of wetland changed into paddy field was 1739.75 km^2, which accounted for 58.15% of the total increase of paddy field. Spatially, the expansion of paddy field in Fuyuan showed a trend of northward and eastward expansion. The driven factors of paddy field expansion in Fuyuan from 1990 to 2013 were not only the accumulated temperature, precipitation and other natural factors, but also the increase of population, economic development, technology progress, policy adjustment and other human factors. This paper studied the expansion of paddy field in Fuyuan by remote sensing and provided the direction for the future development of agriculture in this region.
作者 周皓月 刁利明 郑树峰 Zhou Haoyue;Diao Liming;Zheng Shufeng(School of Government, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080;1nstitute of Land Management, Northeast University, Shenyang 110819)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2018年第11期140-146,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 黑龙江省社科基地项目"黑龙江省农村居民城镇化研究"(13H007) 国家自然基金项目"大兴安岭北方森林生态系统碳循环对模拟N循环沉降的响应"(31370494)
关键词 遥感 面向对象 水田 驱动力 抚远市 remote sensing object-oriented paddy field driving force Fuyuan City
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