

Dilemma in Cyber-Living:Finding a Solution from the Perspective of Modernity Theory
摘要 在当今网络嵌入并深刻重塑现代性的网络化生存时代,现代性所导致的诸如人被理论抽象、因现实被异化而造成的理性遮蔽与感觉解放以及由拒绝规训而促使主体狂欢等的理论与实践悖论,加剧了人类"网络遮蔽"和"网络沉沦"的现代性生存困境。其网络化生存表现为两大困境,即"网络利维坦"和"网络乌托邦"。超越网络化生存困境的现代性境遇,需要从马克思主义实践生存论的视角,通过聚焦"现实的个人"的感性对象活动,超越主客二元对立的认识论逻辑;通过提升个体网络素养,在网络"人机"关系层面实现人与自然的技术性生成;通过积累网络社会资本,在网络"人际"层面促进人与社会的关系性生成;通过保有主体意识,在网络"人己"层面强化人与自我超越性生成;通过加强网络治理以及营造网络宜居生态,最终实现人的网络化生存张力平衡。 We now live in an era in which the Intemet has deeply penetrated into and shaped the modernity. The living dilemma, characterized by human beings' invisibility imposed by the Internet ( i.e. cyber invisibility ) and their excessive indulgence in the Internet activities ( i.e. cyber indulgence ), has been aggravated by the theoretic and practical paradoxes caused by the modernity such as human beings 'reduction to an abstract subject in theory, the suppression and absence of their rationality and the liberation of their sensation due to the alienation in practice, and their carnival aspiration stimulated by their rejection of submitting to discipline. The living in cyberspace faces two challenges, i.e. Cyber Leviathan and Cyber Utopia. In order to overcome the living dilemma in cyberspace, it is necessary to transcend the epistemological logic featuring the binary opposition between the subject and the object through focusing on the perceptual activities of "the individual in reality" from the perspective of Marxist theory of practice; to enable the Internet users to benefit from the new technologies and live a productive life in cyberspace ( hence a productive relationship between man and machine ) through improving their personal quality; to promote the Internet users to construct a productive interpersonal relationship in cyberspace through accumulating the online social capital; to ensure a harmonious relationship between one's ego and his super-ego through keeping alive his awareness of his subjectivity; and to help the Intemet users finally achieve a balanced living among different types of tension in cyberspace through strengthening the governance of cyberspace and building a user-friendly cyber ecology.
作者 赵红灿 ZHAO Hong-can
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期17-24,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 中国矿业大学马克思主义学院博士研究生、副研究员,221116.本文是教育部人文社科专项基金“碎片化传播生态下高校思想政治教育话语转换与重塑研究”(17JDSZ1020)和中国矿业大学专项项目“基于接受性的网络思想政治教育‘视野融合’研究”(2017ZDXM03)阶段性成果.
关键词 网络化生存 现代性理论 网络利维坦 网络乌托邦 网络遮蔽 网络沉沦 cyber living theory of modernity cyber Leviathan cyber Utopia cyber-imposed invisibility cyber indulgence
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