
海外华侨华人社团与“一带一路”安保体系建构 被引量:17

Overseas Chinese Communities and the Construction of the “Belt and Road” Security System
摘要 华侨华人是中华民族的海外延伸和有机组成部分,而侨团是海外华侨华人的主要组织形式。侨团既是维护华侨华人权益的重要力量,又是推进"一带一路"建设的重要战略资源。海外侨团数量众多、分布广泛,在新时期呈现出联合化、国际化、年轻化、多元化、专业化的特征,具有参政议政和参与侨务管理的崭新功能。在海外安全形势日益严峻的形势下,中国海外安全需求与供给失衡,海外中国企业与公民面临安全利益保障不足的困境。在"一带一路"安保体系的构建中,海外侨团与私营安保公司、企业等主体都是政府官方安保力量不可或缺的有益补充。海外侨团拥有不可替代的独特优势,熟谙住在国舆情社情民情、政商人脉通达、掌握双重语言文化,但新生代华人的多元身份认同和华文媒体的发展困境也为安保体系的构建带来了一定的挑战。充分发挥海外侨团在"一带一路"安保体系中的"安全杠杆"作用,应进一步营造"大侨务"工作氛围、加强侨团自我建设和团企共建、完善"华助中心"服务平台以及推广海外安全联防机制。 Overseas Chinese are the external extension and integral part of the Chinese nation and the overseas Chinese communities are the main organizational form of overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese communities serve not only as an important force for safeguarding the rights and interests of overseas Chinese but also as an important strategic resource for implementing the "Belt and Road" initiative. Overseas Chinese communities are numerous and widely distributed in the world. In the new era, they are becoming increasingly consolidated and internationalized, getting younger, diversified and specialized and actively participating in politics as well as the management of overseas Chinese affairs. In the context of a worsening overseas security situation, there is an imbalance between the supply and demand for China's overseas security, thus putting the overseas Chinese enterprises and citizens into a predicament of insufficient protection of their interests. In the course of constructing the "Belt and Road" security system, overseas Chinese communities function as an indispensable and supplementary asset to the official security forces of the Chinese government and this is also true of private security companies and corporate entities. Overseas Chinese communities have unique and irreplaceableadvantages in that they are well acquainted with the public opinion and social conditions of their inhabitant countries, enjoy a wide range of contacts and connections with local politicians and entrepreneurs and have a good grasp of foreign languages and a deep insight into foreign cultures. However, it is noteworthy that multiple identities of the younger generation of overseas Chinese and the development predicament facing the overseas Chinese media have posed some challenges for constructing an overseas security system. To give full play to the "security leverage" role played by overseas Chinese communities in the "Belt and Road" security system, priorities should be focused on building a "Major Overseas Chinese Affairs" working environment, strengthening the self-building of overseas Chinese communities and their collaboration with enterprises, improving the service platform of "Overseas Chinese Help Center" and promoting overseas joint protection mechanism.
作者 崔守军 张政
出处 《国际安全研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期117-137,159-160,共21页 Journal of International Security Studies
基金 本文受到中国人民大学“明德青年学者计划”资助,是中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,编号:14XNJ005)的阶段性成果.
关键词 华侨华人 海外侨团 一带一路 安保体系 海外利益保护 overseas Chinese overseas Chinese communities the "Belt and Road" security system
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