泥石流在形成过程中泥位和流速会发生明显变化,因此设计了一种基于STM32和AD7706的低功耗泥石流远程监测系统,可实现对泥石流沟降雨量、泥位、流速等数据实时在线监测与预警预报。该系统通过Micro SD卡实现数据存储,利用GPRS/北斗双模通信网络将监测数据传送至地质灾害监测预警云服务器,实现24小时不间断对泥石流现场参数进行数据采集、传输、分析及预警判断,可在泥石流灾害监测中推广应用。
The mud and flow rate of debris flow in the formation process will change significantly, so a low-power remote monitor-ing system of debris flow based on STM32 and AD7706 is designed. The system can realize real-time online monitoring and early warning of gully rainfall, mud, and the velocity of debris flow. It can achieve data storage through the Micro SD card and use GPRS/Beidou dual-mode communication network to send the monitoring data to the geological disaster monitoring and early warning cloud server. The system can realize 24-hour continuous data acquisition, transmission, analysis and early warning judgement of de-bris flow field parameters, which can be applied in the debris flow disaster monitoring.
Wang Chenhui, Guo Wei(Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, CGS, Baoding 071051, Chin)
Application of Electronic Technique