

The impact of cognitive behavior therapy on postoperative nosocomial infections in puerpera undergoing cesarean section
摘要 目的探讨认知行为干预对产妇剖宫产术后医院感染的的影响,为剖宫产后护理提供指导。方法回顾性收集2013年3月—2015年3月行剖宫产的640例产妇资料,根据护理方式的不同分为对照组和干预组,各320例。两组产妇均接受剖宫产常规产科护理,干预组在此基础上给予认知行为干预,比较两组产妇入院时、术后第1天及术后第5天皮质醇Cor.水平、术后体温变化、退热时间、感染发生率及感染部位分布情况。计量资料比较采用t检验,计数资料比较采用χ~2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果干预组产妇术后Cor.水平、退热时间及感染发生率低于对照组(均P<0.05),对照组术后感染的部位依次为呼吸道、手术切口、泌尿系统、消化系统、生殖道感染,分别占43.48%、17.39%、17.39%、13.04%、8.70%,干预组感染的部位依次为手术切口、生殖道、呼吸道、泌尿系统、消化系统感染,分别占40%、20%、20%、10%、10%。结论认知行为干预可以降低剖宫产后血清Cor.水平,降低术后感染的发生率。 Objective The study was conducted to explore the effect of cognitive behavior therapy on postoperative nosocomial infections in puerpera with cesarean section, providing a guidance for nursing care after cesarean section.Methods From March 2013 to March 2015, a total of 640 cases of puerpera with cesarean section were randomly divided into an intervention group and a control group, 320 cases in each group. Puerperas in both groups were subjected to obstetric routine nursing care, and the intervention group was also treated with cognitive-behavioral interventions. The change of cortisol(Cor.) level of two groups were compared when entering the hospital and in postoperative 1 day and 5 day, the factors of body temperature, cooling time, infection rate and infection sites of two groups after operation were recorded.Measurement data were compared by t test and enumeration data were compared by χ^2 test. P〈0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results In intervention group, the Cor. level,cooling time, and infection rate in post-operation was significantly less than that of the control group(all P〈0.05).Among the 23 puerperas with the postpartum infections in control group, 43.48% the respiratory system infections, 17.39% were the surgical incision infections,17.39% the urinary tract infections,13.04% the digestive system infections,8.70% the genital tract infections. While among the 10 puerperas with the postpartum infections in intervention group,40% were the surgical incision infections,20% the genital tract infections, 20% the respiratory system infections,10% the urinary tract infections,10% the digestive system infections.Conclusion Cognitive behavior intervention can reduce the level of serum Cor. after caesarean section and reduce the incidence of postoperative infection.
作者 薛娣 XUE Di(Nanyang Medical College, Henan 473000, Chin)
出处 《社区医学杂志》 2018年第7期26-28,共3页 Journal Of Community Medicine
基金 南阳市科技攻关计划(2015KJGG18)
关键词 剖宫产 认知行为干预 术后感染 Cesarean section Cognitive behavior therapy Postoperative infection
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