为研究不同覆盖方式对成都平原冬马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)产量和淀粉含量的影响,以3个不同基因型马铃薯品种为材料,设白膜覆盖、黑膜覆盖、黑膜覆盖+覆土等3个处理,测定出苗期、株高、膜下15 cm温度、产量、干物质含量、淀粉含量等指标。结果表明,白膜覆盖处理马铃薯株高显著低于黑膜覆盖处理,在马铃薯生育前期,白膜覆盖处理地下15 cm处的温度高于黑膜覆盖处理。对于川芋16,白膜覆盖处理较黑膜覆盖处理出苗早4~7 d,产量高5.54%,达显著水平,但淀粉含量差异不显著;对于川芋彩1号和黑美人,白膜覆盖处理较黑膜覆盖处理出苗早1~7 d,但黑膜处理较白膜处理产量高25.25%和39.43%,均达显著水平。川芋彩1号白膜覆盖处理的淀粉含量低于黑膜覆盖处理,黑美人则相反。因此,生产中应根据不同品种类型来采用相应的覆盖方式。
Effects of mulching patterns on fresh yield and starch content of winter potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) in Chengdu Plain were researched. Three different potato varieties were used as material and three muuching patterns such as white film,black film mulching,black film mulching with covering soil were set to determine the emergence stage,plant height,tempreture of 15 cm under film,fresh yield,dry mattern content,starch content,etc. The results showed that:the plant height of wight film treatments was significant lower than that of black film treatments. Early in potato growing stage,the tempreture of 15 cm under film of wight film treatments was higher than that of black film treatments. Be compared with black film treatments,the seedling stage of white film treatment of Chuanyu 16 was 4-7 d earlier while the yield of that was increased by 5.54%. For Chuanyucai No. 1 and Heimeiren,the seedling stage of black film treatments was 1-7 d later than that of white film treatment while the yiled of yield were increased by 25.25% and 39.43%,respectively. The starch content of white film treatment of Chuanyucai No. 1 was lower than that of black film treatments,but that of Heimeiren do the reverse. Therefore, the suitable mulching patterens should be used according to the variety types of winter potato in production.
LI Hua-peng;WANG Ping;SHEN Xue-shan;QU Hui-juan;LIANG Xiao(Crop Researching Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, China;Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, China;Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, China)
Hubei Agricultural Sciences